Genie Hunter

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A/N: THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR 7.9K READS!!! I am honestly so honored to have that many people give me even the time of day. I'm glad that I can entertain you if I have and if I can't, then i have failed as an author. I love you guys soooo much though! <3333

By the way this chapter may include spoilers! You were FAIRLY WARNED!!!


Stein and I found ourselves in a cave with Medusa in a young child's body. The large cave was empty except for the few souls. We sat there for what seemed like days and weeks as our madness was out of control and we had lost ourselves. Stein sat around in weird positions smoking his cigarettes while i just sat around scratching my skin and laughing uncontrollably. Medusa had several times walked over to Stein and was trying to be passionate toward him. His madness hadn't allowed him to have feelings of love or passion toward anyone. My madness hadn't sucked up all of my soul but i still feel things. Every time she put her little fingers on him, i grew angry and would end up threatening her. She put her disease filled lips on him and i blew.

I jumped onto the rock with them and put my scythe arm to her throat, "You should probably never do that again." I said with my crazed look and evil grin.

"Does lil (Y/n) have a crush?" Medusa said with a wicked laugh. My arm moved away from her neck and you could see my true personality, like the madness loosened its grip on me. Medusa took the chance to strike back. She used her snake arrows and threw me against a set of rocks knocking me out for a while.

*Time later*

I woke up and the madness seemed to be nothing. I was sane and my heart was looking for someone. I've never felt this feeling before. Only being 18 I had no clue what it was. I saw Stein fighting the other students. Maka, Soul, and Marie. Crona had one of Medusa's arrows going through his stomach. In mid air the arrow ripped itself out of him and threw him to the ground where Maka went to check him. Marie was in a rock with a portion taken out of it. She seemed to be viciously thrown against it and Stein was laughing madly. Medusa joined Stein on the flat rock while Maka held what seemed to be Corna, dead... How could i watch my friends die and do nothing. I was in shock so it was hard to move and ever really think other than this. Maka's vicious and quick swings seemed like nothing. She destroyed Medusa's arrow sword but Stein interrupted her sloppy attacks. That's when it seemed to me that Marie got through to Stein and he over came madness once again. He put his glasses on and I came down from my spot and joined everyone. Marie and Stein teamed up as I used my scythes to prepare for battle. Maka and Soul stood ready for whatever was to come their way. 

"Please professor, about Corna?" Maka said looking over at Corna's lifeless body.

"Calm down. It's going to be all right. it's faint... but i still feel the presence of his soul. I promise you... I won't let Crona die here..." Stein said with assurance toward Maka. That's when we gained hope. We worked on a plan to resonance soul wave lengths and we planned on killing Medusa without hurting the young child's body. Maka was assigned to kill Medusa and Stein and I were to distract her while Maka got close enough. Maka didn't know what to do but Stein did. Her handed down move from her mother, Genie Hunter. That was the key to winning this battle. 

Medusa used vector plates and vector arrows and attacked Stein. I kept her on her toes by attacking her when she was busy going for Stein. We kept making sure to leave Medusa busy as Maka got closer to attacking. Finally Medusa was open. Stein's wavelengths were blocked but Maka was clear. She screamed no mercy and destroyed Medusa's vector arrows and drove Medusa out of the child body. She thought it wasn't over until her spiritual body separated.

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