Angel of the Ocean Waves

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"Blast it, I left my coat!" Emma snapped frustrated while looking out on the open ocean, the port of Boston harbor already five days behind her.

"I always do this; forgetting things and remembering them when needed most." She rubbed her arms chilled by the wind. Then again, considering the situation in which she dropped her coat, she became less harsh on herself.

"The chest in your cabin should have an extra one." Seamus noticed her shivering.

"Thanks for letting me know." Emma put a lock of her hair behind her ear, watching the sails flare. "A more than fair wind today. If it keeps up like this the whole trip we'll be in France by the end of next week!"

The sailor chuckled. "If only the seas were that constant."

Emma jogged down the steps, passing the crew as she returned below decks. She took a few moments to adjust her vision to the musty dark of the inside. The dank, thick air nearly stifled her as her sharp nose caught a mixture of scents. The pungent sweat of the sailors, the spice of the cook preparing meals in the galley, the earthy smell of the livery , and the sour smell of the chamber pots. It almost overwhelmed her but she gradually acclimated, breathing through her mouth as she walked the low hall to her cabin.

Emma had an ample space to herself, furnished with a bed, a shelf, and a desk with a mirror. A large porthole revealed the expanse of the sea. Or it would have it if it wasn't draped over, a courtesy for two of the cabin's occupants.

She found the boy in the same place when she left him this morning, sitting hunched next to the bed clutching the vampire whip. Her heart dropped, she hoped he would've gotten up and taken a step outside.

"Hello Richter." Emma greeted him with a genuine sweetness in her voice. "Are you all right?" She could tell by the faint scent and remnant of a fresh breeze he had opened the porthole to be sick.

"I'm fine." The boy replied in a low hoarse voice.

"Okay." Emma continued on, casually opening the chest at the foot of the bed. "Ah, here!" She took out the navy blue coat, putting it on. It felt and fit the same as the last one. "It's a little brisk on deck, but there's a fine breeze." She buttoned her new coat. "Want to join me? The fresh air might make you feel better."

"I'm fine." Richter repeated in the same tone.

"Okay...." Emma slumped her shoulders. "I'll be on deck if you need me." She affectionately touched his shoulder. Richter didn't react to her touch, still clutching the whip.

Emma felt extremely guilty leaving him, but she knew better than to fret over him by now. He snapped at her a few times.

He's moved around a bit since you've been out. Vance's voice spoke in her mind.

Other than chucking it out the porthole? He went back to that spot by the bed and remained there since, but it was movement, though brief. Always holding that whip. She could almost sense her vampire familiar shiver.

Emma sighed and shook her head.

You have to be patient with him, Em. He'll come out of it on his own terms, however long it takes.

I know. Alert me if he steps out of the room.

Will do.

Emma opened the porthole to let in some fresh air (But not enough to let the sunlight in. Wouldn't want Vance getting fried.)

The sunlight and ocean breeze welcomed her when she stepped on the deck. Emma closed her eyes, inhaling the breeze letting her hair into the wind.

The last time Emma stood on deck of a ship was a hundred and fifty years ago, sailing to the New World rather than leaving it behind. It was a smaller ship and the crewmen were less inclined to befriend or acknowledge her, but she didn't mind at the time. She was eager to set sail to places unseen with a new continent waiting for her.

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