Angel's Duet

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I was surprised Emma asked to have dinner at the tavern tonight. Normally she wanted to head straight home after our last house appointment, avoiding the evening bustle of townspeople (Vampire attacks grew seldom nowadays, emboldening the humans to stay out after sundown instead of retreating to the safety of their homes like rabbits at the light of dusk). She was naturally shy and could care less about mingling with people, especially since her confrontation with the Abbot's knights.

"The tavern's different. It's a good place to unwind and people watch." She gave a curious eye. "Among other things."

I looked at her perplexed. "If you're looking for that sort of company, there are better places than a bar."

"I met Caleb in one." Emma laughed. "But no, I'm not looking for someone to share my bed with. I'm looking for a hot piping meal and a nice atmosphere. What do you say?"

"I say let's do it." I happily agreed. "I haven't had a night out since......" I shrugged my shoulders. "Since the Sun King sat on the throne, I believe. Why not?"

The tavern had a vibrant atmosphere I hadn't seen in a while. The air was warm and thick, mingling with the scents of alcohol, savory meals, and muffled by the clamor of plates and chattering patrons. You'd never think there was a revolution going on, people were just cheery enjoying the evening. Emma took the table by the roaring hearth.

"I'm surprised you wanted to come here,Em. You don't usually like loud, crowded, smelly places."

"Normally I don't." Emma explained. "The noise and scents are usually too much for me to handle all at once, but when one sense is dampened." She pulled a lock of hair away from her face, revealing the beeswax in her ears. "The others are not as intense."

"Smart girl."

"Thanks. I've learned from the best doctor in town." Emma thrummed happily. The tavern maid asked for our orders, and my stomach grumbled when she walked away. It was a long day, and I was hungry.

"Reminds me of being in the Colonies." Emma observed the tavern scene, her eyes sharp with intrigue. " The dimmed light, the candlelights, the stuffy air, the smell of good ale, and the casual chatter. I could be in a tavern in Boston if I didn't know any better. The only difference here is everyone's speaking French."

"You've been to a lot of taverns in America?" I asked.

"Enough to get nostalgic over them." Emma sighed. "But I'm not Uncle Trevor. I like good food, the warm atmosphere, and everyone's loosened up. Taverns were the places for talk where you go them to hear news and tales from the town. Humans feel less restricted in taverns, they're more inclined to let their guard down and loosen their mouths."

"Ale does a good job of that." I remarked.

"Aye, it does."

"What news do you hope to catch out of the loosened mouths?"

"News of the resident monster spreading terror throughout the province."

I shrugged as my glyphs prickled up my arms. For the past two and a half weeks, a monster rampaged the countryside. It was first sighted in Angles where it slaughtered an entire herd of cattle. After days of decimating the local farmland, the enraged farmers and hired hunters located it in a nearby river washing its fur clean of blood. They were fools to attack it, the beast slaughtered the entire hunting party save for a traumatized survivor smart enough to flee the carnage and describe what he saw to the people of Angles.

The creature was apparently enormous, the size of bull ox and covered in shaggy fur. No more was known of its appearance, the massacre happened at night. After that, the monster shifted its prey, now hunting humans. Rumor claimed the 'Malbeast' had a particular taste for young men and women, for the majority of its victims were that demographic.

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