The Visitor

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Two years later



It was half past ten and Emma still didn't come down.

I knew she had a long night hunting with Richter. She returned home at two in the morning,  walking  straight upstairs and stripping off her clothes before rolling on her nightshift and crashing right into bed. "Don't wake me." She murmured with her face in the pillow. Vance strode in like a prince of darkness."A successful hunt, those ravenous occultists won't trouble travelers anymore."

"Ravenous occultists?" I crossed my arms intrigued. "Now that's something I haven't heard of in centuries."

"Nor will you hear of it again." Vance puffed a hiss. " A trio of loonies snatching humans from their beds and sacrificing them under the full moon. Slashing their throats and letting the bleed out under the moonlight to appease some lunatic god of theirs. Waste of blood if you ask me."

"Is this something I should be concerned about?" I curled my fists around my staff.

"Nope. Emma and Richter smoked them out.That boy is getting to be quite the natural."

" Good to hear." I quickly regretted it. "Sorry! No offense."

"None taken, angel." Vance remarked. "Everyone's safe and sound except the cultist vampires. I'm telling you this revolution is bringing out the crazies." He bid me goodnight and retreated into the cellar.

The sun rose to another day. Emma slept through the morning, but I managed my appointments alone without trouble, keeping the shop well. I heard no rumors of vampire occultists. Just the same old talk in the same old town. I should consider myself lucky.

The doorbell rang  to a concerned Maria . "Good morning Amalie. Is Emma here?"

"Good morning Maria." I let her in. "She is, but she's asleep."

"Her too!?" Maria exclaimed. "Richter's still sleeping. I wanted to wake him but my mother told me not to bother him. His lazy ass will be in bed the whole day. I hoped Emma might be up."

"Nope, she's out cold too. After their busy night , who could blame them for sleeping in?" I mused, welcoming her in and closing the door.

"Why does she have to go with him?" Maria sat down on the couch. "He's a full fledged hunter now, she doesn't need to babysit him anymore."

"She's his protector." I explained. "Emma promised his mother before she died that she would watch over him. That doesn't end when he becomes an adult, and if he gets in a fix she'll bring him out of it."

"Well.....she shouldn't have to protect him all the time." Maria huffed, thrumming her fingers on her arm like Emma did when she was impatient. Crazy how quirks get passed down generations.

"Maria, what's wrong? What's ruffling your feathers?" I put my hand on my hip.

"Nothing!" Maria snapped sharply before apologizing. "Sorry..." She spoke in a lighter voice. "I hoped Emma was up so I could talk to her."

"About what, if you don't mind me asking?"

Maria pushed away  her hair . " I wanted to see if she could speak at the meeting tomorrow night."

My smile faded. "Not gonna happen. I'll tell you  now before you even ask, she'll say no. "

"I don't understand." Maria shook her head. "She fought with the French in America's revolution, Why won't she take a stand with us now, on our own soil?"

Castlevania Nocturne: A Guardian's Tale (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now