The Sires

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By the eighteenth century, vampires had taken their niche in human society. Fitting in like a seam, yet there were many who kept to the old ways, acting as roving nomads raiding human villages for food wherever they passed . The mated pair weaving through the French countryside were one of them, many centuries old and for the most part, traditionalists.

They had remained in France for some time, exploiting the Revolution to keep their bellies full. Preying on prisoners and raiding villages, leaving a mess of blood behind. Machecoul would have been just another town in the countryside, another spot in the road full of smelly humans to feed on if it weren't for that sweet yet reviling scent, and the static of holy magic thrumming below the ground.

"Fuck." The shorter vampire bared her teeth. "Can we step anywhere in this country without an angel keeping watch?"

"Peace Morana." Her bonded mate placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. "As long as we do not bother them, they do not bother us."

"Being in their proximity is a bother to them." Morana hissed. "The moment we step foot in its territory, it will detect us. We must move on."

"If those holy rats with wings troubles us, I shall drink their blood and release their spirits from their putrid bodies." Striga growled. She had killed thousands of humans in her immortal life, why would human formed angels be any different? They could still be cut down in mortal flesh.

"This scent is stronger." Morana warned. "A higher ranking angel than the usual errand birds we avoid." Striga unleashed a ragged snarl, bearing her fangs and clutching her claws at her heart.

"What's wrong!?" Morana whirled around startled by her mate's sudden reaction.

Striga dug her claws into her chest. She hadn't felt it in centuries......

"He is here Morana." Striga's voice wavered. "Our child."

"What!? It cannot be! Here!?" Morana snapped, glaring at the town on the hill.

"I sense he is close." Striga nodded, unashamed by her own tears. "It has been centuries since we parted ways. Why is he here, in a powerful angel's range?"

"Something we should investigate ." Morana growled. "Come my love, the moon is new. It will be easier to sneak into the livestock pen when the night is darker."

" If that heavenly vulture has done anything to harm him." Striga hissed. "I'll rip her fucking wings off!"

"Angels can't be subdued easily." Morana warned. "Nor can they be destroyed if their bodies are killed." She chuckled, giving Striga an endearing look. "But there are two of us. We have faced armies before, what more is an angel trapped in human flesh?


Vance snarled, spooking the herd of deer he stalked.He hadn't felt that pull on him in over 500 years. Like a spindly hand reaching into his ribs and clutching hard his heart. He knew what it meant. Every vampire who was born a human knew what it meant.

His sire, the vampire that turned him, was in the vicinity.

And she was not a vampire to be messed with. Neither of them were.

"Satan's teeth!" He hissed, immediately rushing to Amalie's house, slamming the door open and hurrying inside the kitchen where its divine occupants were finishing dinner.

"Vance? I thought you were hunting." Emma caught the stress in his eyes she'd rarely seen. "What's wrong?" She stood up.

" You are in danger." Vance growled, his claws digging into the wall, "My sires are here."

Castlevania Nocturne: A Guardian's Tale (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now