Bonus: La Seine: Castlevania Nocturne Version

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The song Emma and Amalie sang in the last chapter was from an obscure gem of an animated movie A Monster in Paris. (Amalie having that anachronistic knowledge again!) Given the setting of the story I wanted to present the song in its original language, albeit tweaking the lyrics to fit the context of the song in this lyrics.

These are the lyrics translated in English:

She gets out of bed, so sure of herself
The Seine, the Seine, the Seine

So pretty, she bewitches me
The Seine, the Seine, the Seine

Extralucent, the Moon is on
The Seine, the Seine, the Seine

You're not drunk, Paris is under
The Seine, the Seine, the Seine

I don't know, don't know, don't know why
We love each other like that, the Seine and I

I don't know, don't know, don't know why
We are so far away, the Seine and I

*Emma enters in*

Beautiful Amalie, when you are sure
The scene, the scene, the scene

Extravagant when the angel is on
The scene, the scene, the scene

Please don't cry, don't cry, please don't cry.
We are part, La Siene and I

please don't cry, don't cry, please don't cry.
We are part, La Siene and I

On the Pont des Arts (my heart wavers)
Between two waters (the air is so good)
This air so pure (I breathe it)
Our reflections perched (on this bridge)

Tu lu, ti, luti
Tu lu, ti, luti
We love each other like that, the Seine and I

Tu lu, ti, luti
Tu lu, ti, luti
We are part of each other, The Seine and I

Tu lu, ti, luti
Tu lu, ti, luti
We love each other like that, the Seine and I

Tu lu, ti, luti
Tu lu, ti, luti
We are part of each other, the Seine and I

I by no means am an expert in French (Google translate helped me with this one). If there are any errors, or better translations please let me know. Had a lot of fun with this chapter and there'll be more 'musical' ones in the future, especially when Eduoard appears later on and perhaps another character I can't wait for you to meet. *wink*

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