La Velue

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Fear kept Richter back, but he mustered the courage to unravel the Vampire Killer.

The dragon narrowed its pupils and hissed at the Belmont, lashing its tail in the air.

"Richter don't!!" Emma stepped forward raising her palms . "The creature's docile! Don't provoke it!"

"Like hell it's docile!!" At the crack of the whip the dragon charged sideways at Richter, rattling the  spines  along its back like a snare drum.  Richter sidestepped and struck the dragon on its furry side.

"Richter stop it!!" Maria screamed. "You'll anger it worse!!"

The dragon roared and barreled at him rattling its quills . Emma recognized the same defensive behavior from an unfortunate encounter with a porcupine a few decades back, but before she could call Richter to leave it alone, he lashed the creature's fur.

The dragon hissed and charged backwards at  Richter full steam ,flaring the full extent of its quills like a thorny peacock. Each spine was  the size of a lance and fully  capable of gutting him through.Emma lightning dashed, pulling Richter out of the way before the dragon struck with its naked whiplike tail that  would have knocked him dead on impact.

The dragon wheeled around and roared, raising its serpentine head to its full extent and bearing its teeth and flaring its barbs. The chill of its hiss emphasized by the rattling quills.

"Stop it!!" Maria sped to the dragon. "He didn't know! He's our friend!"

"Maria stay back!!" Emma warned . The Nephilim unsheathed her sword  and stood bravely in front of the agitated beast.Behind her Richter froze like a deer in the lamplight, staring blankly at the dragon's parted jaws.

"Stand down!" Amalie confronted it raising her staff . "He's not your enemy!"

The dragon's  serpentine pupils enlarged. It lowered its head and quills, gazing into  Amalie's eyes  with deep sincerity.

"Mother?" Emma's voice wavered.  Amalie didn't hear her, recollection stirred in her brain.

"I think I remember you."

Torchlight lashed at the dragon's face, it reeled around roaring, charging backwards with its rear end impaling the unfortunate knight and striking his comrade dead with the whiplash of his tail.

"No!" Maria screamed as a group of the Abbot's knights confronted the dragon, brandishing their swords and torches boxing it in.

"Maria get away!!" Tera held onto her daughter. Peter stared in wide eyed horror and crossed  himself.

The dragon shook the corpse off its quills, rattling its bloodied weapons and hissing in warning. Its tail lashed in the air, keeping the knights at bay.

"Everyone keep back!" Mizrak ordered, brandishing its weapon.

Enraged light flickered in Amalie's eyes, and she commanded the dragon GO!

The dragon reared and expelled a cloud of noxious black smoke, blinding all witnesses save for Amalie, her family, and Peter shielded beneath a forcefield of light.

"That's my girl." Amalie whispered proudly to her daughter. Outside the knights sputtered and coughed. Emma inhaled and blew, purifying the air with a gust and alleviating the burning eyes of the knights. She dropped the shield before they regained sight.

The dragon was gone.

"Where the hell did it go!?" Richter sputtered.

"Hopefully far away from here as possible." Emma sheathed her sword with her hackles raised.

Castlevania Nocturne: A Guardian's Tale (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now