Eyes Unclouded

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Emma lay on the bench in the garden, head propped on her arms watching the stars and waiting for Vance to return. She closed her eyes listening to the wind and the water stirring on the lake-shore, remembering childhood nights laying on her balcony watching the stars until she grew tired and fell asleep. She remembered how father would occasionally join her, pointing out constellations and telling their stories as she lay on his chest, and she remembered always waking up in the warm comfort of her own bed the next morning.

The tradition passed on with her own children, especially Lyudmil who was ever curious about the world around him. Those nights spent with him as a child, laying outside their house gazing up at the cosmos passing those stories down as her own father did with her, were some of her favorite memories.

I hope you can see the stars wherever you are, my son.

Her ear perked at the slight shift of wind next to her, carrying the familiar scent of spices mixed with flowers. "Waiting for me?" Emma opened her eyes to the glowing mahogany eyes of the vampire looming over her.

"I might be." Emma yawned. "As crazy as it sounds I still worry about you after all these years."

"You never need to worry about me." Vance clicked his teeth in a calm gesture. "I'm good at what I do, else I wouldn't be alive."

"What if your prey fights back?" Emma worried, noticing a healing wound on his neck. Vampire attacks were seldom, but people were still prepared walking the streets at night.

"I'm smart enough to choose less resistant prey. I'm a very picky eater." Vance chuckled. Emma sat up so he could sit next to her. Vance nuzzled Emma's forehead, a low thrumming sound akin to a deep purr rumbled in his chest. Thrumming was a gesture of affection to vampires, often done in the company of those they cared deeply about.

Vance suddenly turned his head away from her, staring at the path leading to his house. "You did not see me." He stroked Emma's hair and vanished into mist. Emma reached for the sword in her scabbard (she always kept it close) but left it on the ground seeing it was Richter. "Richter, what are you doing out so late? Is everything okay?"

"Where's Vance?" Richter asked sharply.

"He's not here." Emma answered honestly, he wasn't next to her anymore. "Why are you looking for him?" She grew nervous from Belmont's apparent anger.

"I caught him feeding on a human." Richter glared, his hand gripping the hilt of the whip. "He gave one dark bloodshot look at me and told me to leave."

Ice froze Emma's stomach. "And did you?"

"No. I gave him a warning to stand down." He patted the whip. "And he pounced on me with his teeth at my throat. He would've killed me Em, I was lucky to have one of my knives in hand to slash at him, and he backed off telling me to go home."

Ice melted into a furious flame. "Why the hell would you attack him!? Richter! Vampires are the most dangerous when they're feeding and hungry! You are very lucky Vance has more self control than others , or he would have ripped out your throat in rage and hunger."

"Apparently not enough self control to kill and feed on a human!" Richter gaped, startled and angered that his mentor berated him instead of Vance."

"He needs to eat, Richter." Emma tensed. "The winter's been harsh and there aren't a lot of animals to hunt. He can't starve himself if there are limited options. He rarely hunts humans but when he does he's very selective about it. I'm sure whoever the unfortunate person was, wasn't someone who'd be missed."

Richter snapped at her outraged. "How the fuck can you defend him? We've spent years together protecting this village from vampires, years of you teaching how to fight them so I could defend the innocent from becoming prey. Yet you give him a pass? You want me to turn and walk away when I see your special protector feasting on someone's blood? He's no different from the rest of them Emma, he's a vampire whether he's your guardian or not!"

Castlevania Nocturne: A Guardian's Tale (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now