Baby Bat

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In the five hundred years Vance had been a vampire, he'd never gotten himself in such a deep predicament. Yet here he was, in the clutches of an enemy he couldn't escape, in the castle of the lord of all vampires.

Had Dracula survived he would've laughed at Vance in the mockery of being caught in the inescapable clutches of his own granddaughter.

Young pup, release me this instant!!!! Vance demanded telepathically. He could not escape the toddler's tiny, grubby, iron firm hands, no matter how hard he tried to wriggle out, or shift into mist or human form.

"Bat!!" The child squeaked excitedly. "My bat!!"

No! Vance bared his vampire fangs. I am not a bat and I am certainly not your bat! Let go of me right now or I'll bite you! He clacked his jaws trying to pierce her flesh. He threat only made her giggle. "Baby bat." She snapped her own teeth revealing her own pointed fangs. "My baby bat!" Vance squeaked when she hugged him against her chest like a doll, careless of the mad flapping of his wings.

All because I was fucking hungry! He came across Dracula's castle on a rumor of a human village now spreading at its roots. He could've gone and drunken the blood of any of the dozing villagers below, but his stupid curiosity drew him inside the castle and he found the child sleeping in her crib.

He had never seen such a child. Part vampire for sure, and something else. Something sweeter scenting than any common human blood. He wondered if she tasted just as good. He was right about to sink his bat teeth into her when she woke up that instant and grabbed him, more startled than scared. Once she realized she now had her own pet bat, she was thrilled.

Fine. I'm your bat. Now please let go of me?


What do you mean no!?

"Don't go away!"

I can't go away with your grimy nubs on me!

"My bat!!"

All right I'm your bat! Now let me go! Vance conceded.

Emma was satisfied and gently put him down, giving him one of her stuffed animals and petting him between the ears.

"My bat?" Emma asked. "My baby bat?"

Yes. Vance chittered I'm your baby bat....this is humiliating. Why on Earth hadn't he flown away, taken a bite out of her, shifted, ANYTHING else? The child had some form of command over him or a tiny shred of the humanity he once held felt pity on her. The sleeping child was about to be his dinner. The same age of his own daughter when the vikings ravaged his village.

"Stay, baby bat? Stay with me?"

Yes. Vance relented. But I'm hungry. I need to eat. Give me your finger, please.

Emma pointed at him with her index finger.

Good little girl. The vampire bat chattered, licking the tip of her finger with his analgesic saliva. You're not going to feel anything, just a little pinch and that's it. Good girl. I won't drain you, I just need enough.

Emma didn't cry when Vance nipped the tip of her finger, and the drop of her own blood didn't frighten her. In fact she couldn't stop giggling when the vampire lapped up her blood with his little bat tongue. "Tickles!!"

By the Demons, this is delicious! I have never tasted blood as sweet as yours, little one. Perhaps being her pet wasn't such a bad prospect.

The door opened with the shadow of her parents in faint glowing light. "Emma honey, why aren't you asleep?"

"Mama! Papa!!" Emma giggled excitedly as the vampire-bat licked her bleeding finger. "My bat!"

What happened next changed the little girl and her baby bat's life forever.

Castlevania Nocturne: A Guardian's Tale (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now