Heart of a Vampire

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Emma was secretly relieved to find Vance standing on the hilltop of their house, gazing at the twinkling stars as the night drew on. He'd gone a few hours to fly with his sires and hunt in the neighboring countryside. With everything settled Vance wanted to reconnect with his vampiric family, and spend some amiable time catching up with them. Emma understood, but a part of her feared he would leave with them and not return.

He has every right to. Emma told herself. They're his family, the ones who changed him into a vampire and raised him in his new life, he deserves to be with them. And you're not a child , you don't need him to protect you anymore.

Emma knew she was lying to herself, she would always need him.

"You're back early." Emma stood next to him.

"It's half past two in the morning." Vance flicked his eyes to her. "You should be asleep."

"Hard to stay asleep after last night." Emma yawned. " And this thing stings and itches like a bitch." Emma showed him the pink scars where Morana scratched her. "That's what I hate about healing so quickly, it makes my skin itchy. I had to put ointment on it."

Vance grimaced, showing the points of his fangs. "I'm so sorry Emma. I should've done better to protect you. I've been away from them for so long I forgot how conniving they are. Of course Morana would suspect-."

"Hey!" Emma grabbed his clawed hands. "Quit blaming yourself. You did protect me. You defended me and saved my life by explaining why you were missing all these years, and they listened. Now because of you, I'm forever safe from them and so are my family."

"Because of you, your family is safe." Emma's scars prickled when Vance drew the bottom of his thumb across one. "Morana cut you deep enough to scar. You'll bear her marks for the rest of your life, she wanted that so you can remember your fulfilled debt."

"Eh." Emma shrugged. "What's another scar? If anyone asks I'll have a cool story to tell."

"Always the optimist Emmaline." Vance chuckled with a smirk.

"I try." Emma smiled. "I'm surprised you didn't go with them. Don't you want to be with your brood?"

"My brood is standing right next to me." Vance answered calmly.

"Vance, if you want to be with other vampires, especially with your own sires who care about you, you should. You shouldn't give up the chance to be among your people because of me." Emma said.

"I don't want to be with them." Vance said firmly. "Because if I did, I would become like them. Cold and cruel, seeing humans as little more than livestock. Striga and Morana, they are old vampires, they think in the old ways. They still perceive humans as cattle to be eaten, smart cattle with weapons and warfare, but cattle nonetheless, meant for slaughter."

He crossed his arms and sighed. "It's hard for my people to remember they were once among the cattle herds. Most forget what it meant to be human, and for I time so did I, until the day I found you in your cradle."

Vance looked at her with the same love her own father had often given her. "You reminded me of my humanity, and in a way, you returned a part of me I thought was forever lost when I was changed."

Tears shimmered in Emma's eyes and gently wiped them away with the underside of his thumb. "Never think that I stay because I'm obligated to. I stay because I love you like my own, and you, just by being you, have always reminded me what it is to be human."

"Even though I'm technically not?" Emma smiled sniffling."

"Your grandmother was human." Vance remarked lightly. "And you were born from a human body."

"I suppose." Emma laughed. The two embraced each other as Emma nuzzled into his shoulder, thrumming. " I love you too, Vance. You really are like a second father to me. I'm not going to lie how relieved I am that you're staying."

"So am I. You're a sweetheart Em. You know that?" Vance stroked his claws through her hair. "Hmm, interesting." He held her tresses in his claws. "You've got a bit of lighter color in your hair, look at that!" Emma held her hair and noticed several pale blond, almost white strands among the golden.

"Holy freaking shit." Emma gawked. "Am I actually graying out?"

"You are over three hundred years old." Vance grinned. "Your age must be catching up to you."

"I'm immortal on both sides!" Emma exclaimed. " I can't be aging after all these centuries."

"Your mother did mention immortals show their age in other aspects." Vance laughed. "Not physically growing old, but like a deeper clarity of their eyes, or a change in hair color. Guess you'll have to get used to dyeing it soon."

"Shut up! I'm not dyeing my hair! You know how expensive that is?" Emma rasped.

"Guess you'll have to age gracefully. It's quite beautiful, and I wouldn't worry about it too much. You wouldn't notice it unless you're up close."

"Thanks." Emma murmured, running her fingers through her hair. "Maybe it's just stress. That putz of a Belmont is gonna give me an ulcer one day along with whitening my hair."

"You signed up for that Em." Vance snickered.

"Sometimes he's just......aggh!!! He doesn't believe I'm Dracula's granddaughter and made a joke about it! Several jokes! He asked me before going to sleep if my grandmother was Joan of Arc."

"You could bite him." Vance suggested.

"I wish I did. Luckily Maria called him a wanker. Good to know she's on my side."


Emma slept easier that night, drifting into a dreamless sleep until she felt the prodding of another consciousness, warm and loving. Followed by a low and familiar voice calling her name.

"What crucial  knowledge is worth interrupting my much needed sleep?" Emma grumbled.

I love you.

"...........I love you too.."

And I am proud of you. What you've done was very brave.

"Thank you." Emma murmured. Her father's consciousness lingered in her brain. She wouldn't be able to fall back asleep while he remained. "Is that it?



Don't let that Belmont get under your skin.

Emma grumbled as the consciousness slipped away and buried her face in the pillow.

Castlevania Nocturne: A Guardian's Tale (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now