History Makers

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Had she known what was to come of this, she would have turned and walked away. It was late at night and she returned from her shift, guarding those at risk from potential vampires at the grounds of what would become Independence Hall.

These were busy times, all the delegates from the thirteen colonies had gathered in Philadelphia to speak and finally unite their land as a new country. A pivotal meeting and a prime target for Loyalist vampires looking to earn their pay and feast on traitors to the Crown.

They were exciting times, frightening times, especially those  involved in the revolution.  The Sons of Liberty sent her south from Boston knowing she'd be of better contribution. Emma had agreed, there were better opportunities in Philadelphia, certainly better pay, and her enemies had grown savvy of her in Massachusetts.

Caleb joined her too, she couldn't get rid of him, and secretly she didn't want to. As much as she wanted to deny it, she'd grown fond of the revolutionary who was disowned by his Loyalist parents. She'd even suspected she was falling in love with him.

Emma strolled casually through the lamplit streets to her residence, eager to see Caleb again. She  monitored the delegates as they were dismissed within groups, keeping her senses sharp for potential assailants.  Once each of them were safe, she made her own way home.

But a hunter's job is never done.

She heard their fleet wings dash through the streets, the near silent hush of air. Emma was already on the pursuit,  ambushing a pack of six vampires subduing their human prey. She used the element of surprise, sending forth her sword  decapitating three, and in the startled disarray, she dashed forward slicing through the remaining assailants .

"Are you all right?" She helped the human up. A young Frenchman. And a blue-blood, no wonder those vampires  swarmed after you. The young man thanked her frantically in stilted English.

"Think nothing of it. I'm glad you're okay." She responded to him in French. "It's dangerous to walk around at night, vampires prowl these streets looking for a meal, and they've acquired a fine taste for revolutionaries. That's why you're here isn't it? You want to join in the fight for our freedom."

The young Frenchman opened up to her in his native language, spilling everything about his incredible life and  journey overseas. Emma had that effect on people, something about her made them comfortable to talk easily about everything about themselves and beliefs. She chalked in up to her angelic nature.

"What an incredible story. Gladly it wasn't cut short. You must proceed with caution here. The vampires in America differ from that of France. They won't give two shits if you're of noble blood, they come after you regardless, especially if you're on the rebel's side. I advise against traveling at night and if you must, carry a silver knife and don't walk alone." She gave him one of her spare knives.

The young French nobleman thanked her and asked for her  name. "Call me Emma. I'll accompany you wherever you need to be."  No vampires disturbed them as Emma escorted, even as he bled  from minor wounds ( she chose not to bring him home, the last time she did that was with Caleb, and she didn't need another tag-along in her life, plus, she liked Caleb enough not to put him at risk if a vampire followed the blood scent.)

  Once he was safe where he needed to be, she tended his wounds and bode him farewell. "Perhaps we'll meet again. Perhaps not. I wish you the best of luck, young revolutionary, you're in the thick of it now and you're gonna need it. Give the general my regards if you're fortunate enough to meet him. I think he'll like you, you have that spark, and you have much to give in this war even if it may not be battle experience."

"I'll give him more than your regard, Emma. I'll give him your name."

Emma didn't think much of that until she received a letter from the general himself, requesting her to join his army as a Night Guard.

Lafayette told him more than just her name.

Castlevania Nocturne: A Guardian's Tale (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now