Farewell to Good Company

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The little girl cowered in the darkened hall, clutching her stuffed wolf and sniffling distressed. She'd gotten scared by the thunderstorm and sought out her parents, only to find herself lost and overwhelmed by the vast halls of her home.

"Mommy, Papa?" She cried out weakly as she wandered the dark corridors,clutching the wolf to her heart. A flash of lightning and a boom of thunder sent her darting behind a corner, curled up crying all scared and alone.

"Don't be afraid, my dearest Little Dove. I'm here."

The little girl gasped as the shadow of her father loomed over her. Her eyes capturing the bright gold of hair and gentle eyes. She ran and embraced him, feeling his warm arms around her and his great cape sweeping over her like a blanket. "Everythings is all right. You are safe and you are home. Wherever I am, you are home."

She followed him through the hallway, her small hand gripping his long fingers and the other holding her wolf. Thunder crackled and lightning flashed, and she huddled against him, catching his great shadow in flickering light. He was the biggest thing in her world, mysterious even, but he protected her and he loved her with everything he possessed.

"You never need to fear the dark, Dearest One. As long as I'm around, I will be your light. As long as my heart beats, I will be there for you. Always."


Her dream of memory drifted away from the shuffling movement of her waking world.

Emma heard Richter's soft feet padding in the cabin long before he nudged her awake. "Wake up."

Emma grumbled, wrapped up cocooned in her blanket, and ignored him. "Come on. Wake up." Richter ordered. " I know you hear me."

Emma still ignored him.

"Get up." The small Belmont physically pushed her to no avail. "Come on you lazy...!" He grunted. "Get up!"

Emma bared her teeth from Vance's tired voice creeping into her consciousness. Your boy is awake.

Oh, just because he's being annoying, he's my boy now?

Yes. Vance hissed, too pleased. Get to it Guardian Angel, you're not that resistant.

That's what you think. Emma growled addressing Richter. "Try as you might, little one, you'll not move me."

"Wake up." Richter persisted.

"Why? The sun hasn't risen yet." The sleepy hybrid grumbled.

" You promised to show me arcane magic." Richter stood at her bedside. "Before the sailors get to work on deck. Well they're not now. Come on. Please."

"A few more minutes."


"Fine." Emma relented. "Because you said 'please.'" She sat up and stretched, yawning wide with her teeth bared and her long blonde hair mussed up, looking like a disheveled lion. Richter eagerly waited for her to dress and brush out the thick mane of her hair to look at least somewhat presentable.

"Come on then." Emma buckled her sword and drew her cloak over her.

Emma's eyes absorbed the richness of the sunlight rising over the seas. The clouds turned purple before shifting to a rich orange. She took it in, it was her last sunrise at sea. "Em, do you see something?" Richter tugged her sleeve nervously.

"Just appreciating the sunrise." Her eyes glimmered before yawning again. "What kind of arcane magic do you want me to teach you?"

"Everything." Richter answered excited.

Castlevania Nocturne: A Guardian's Tale (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now