Mentor and Pupil

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                                                                    Four Years Later.


Emma knew better than to roam the streets of Machecoul late at night. She was hoping to attract attention.

Luckily she didn't need to wait long, and she wasn't the one attracting attention . A harsh scuffle drew her  toward the alley on her left. Her ears pricked, detecting the low growls and harried breaths of what sounded like a human, surrounded by a group of snarling, grumbling vampires.

Follow me. She mouthed to her pupil, creeping through the shadowed alley with the teenager following at her side. She put her finger to her lips as they turned a corner, watching a mugging unfold.

Five vampires surrounded a grey bearded older gentleman, battered and bruised but no worse for wear. The spirit in his eyes burned  unyielding.

Emma signaled Richter to wait, whistling quietly as her sword silently moved around the alley. A sharp whistle sent it into the spine of the unlucky vampire cutting off the man's escape route behind it.

Emma and Richter took advantage of the disarray. Springing forward and ambushing the vampires unaware. Emma summoned a wall of holy flame, separating the three vampires from joining the other to subdue Richter. You can handle two. Emma whistled her sword into her hand, slashing the second vampire through the neck and flash stepping toward the other. He managed to dodge her, still meeting his end by a blast beam through the chest.

"I'll feast on your beating heart you mongrel bitch!" The remaining vampire lunged at her. Emma whistled and stepped out of the way. The vampire ran right through her sword.  "Typical." She shucked the impaled corpse off her blade.

Richter cried out and Emma raced through the holy flame. He had successfully slain one vampire, the mangle corpse pinned against the wall by several knives. That left him open to attack by the last one. It managed to grab Richter by the throat and pin him against the other wall.

Emma whistled and sent the sword careening towards him, another swooping whistle and the blade lopped off the hand around Richter's throat. The vampire stumbled back and Emma let Richter finish him off. The Belmont lashed his mother's whip around the vampire's stunned throat and yanked, effectively cracking his neck.

Emma flexed her hand, summoning her divine powers and burning the corpses with holy white flames, when they extinguished, no evidence remained of the slain vampires."That was nicely done Richter." Emma cleaved her sword. "I almost didn't need to step in this time."

"I was fine Emma, you didn't need to." Richter shrugged. "I had everything under control."

"Sure you did, and that vampire wanted to congratulate you with his teeth." Emma rolled her eyes. "What's rule number one?"

"Always carry your weapon with  you?" He cracked the whip. "I remembered."

"Not that. The other one. Rule number one when fighting vampires?"

Richter paused, mulling on the answer. "Always carry a silver weapon?"

"No!" Emma lightning dashed in front of Richter's face, startling him backwards a few steps. "Never let a vampire get close to you! They get close to you, you're dead! If I were a vampire I would've killed you right now, just like he nearly did! Especially since I nearly knocked you back stumbling."

Castlevania Nocturne: A Guardian's Tale (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now