*Rated Mature* What Lies Beneath 1-4

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Part 1

What Lies Beneath

Victoria was walking back from the stables when she heard the phone ringing. Running as fast as her sore body would allow, she made it just as the answering machine was picking up.

"Hello." She said breathlessly.

"Hey luv. You're breathing hard. Thinking about me again?" Joe chuckled softly as he slipped into his seat aboard the private jet that was finally taking him home after being on the road for six months straight.

Victoria smiled softly walking to the kitchen and taking out a bottled water. "I'm always thinking of you Joe darling." Victoria said seductively.

"I just called to let you know that I will be home in about four hours. There was a slight mechanical problem with the jet but it's fixed now."

"I hope it wasn't serious Joe. The jet has been giving you guy's problems for awhile now. Don't you think it's time to invest in a new one?"

"It would be pointless now baby. The tour is ending and we won't need it as much. It's fine for now. So, will you be awake when I get home?"

Victoria stifled a yawn. "I hope so sweetie. I've been working with the horses all day so I am a bit tired but I will wait up for you if you like."

Joe smiled pulling his cell to his other ear. "You sleep baby. I know you have to be up early for your horse show tomorrow. We will have plenty of time for us since we have only one more tour date before we are due back in the studio. That will not happen for awhile though."

"If I am sleeping when you get back, wake me because I have missed you."

"I've missed you too luv. Listen, we are about to take off and my cell has no service when we are in the air. I will see you when I get home. Oh before I forget. We have been invited to a record label party tonight. Wear that little white number I got you last Christmas. You look great in that. It is kind of a formal thing anyway."

"Joe, I have to work tonight you know that. Besides, that little white number is at the cleaners. I spilled wine on it remember?"

"Call work and tell them you can't make it. This is an important party Victoria. I want you there beside me."

"Damn it Joe. I hate when you do this. You never tell me in advance about these things and I have to either cancel what I'm doing or call work and tell them I'm sick or whatever. I will lose my job if I have to do that one more time."

"You're going. Do what you have to; to get out of work but you will be attending this party." Joe said firmly. 

Part 2

"Joe. I can't lose this job. You know how much it means to me. I will wrap up early and meet you at the party at eight like scheduled." Victoria promised.

"You better not be late Victoria. You have been working late far too often lately and I'm not sure I like that." Joe's jaw clenched angrily and he looked out the window.

"This is a busy time of year Joe, you know that. I am trying to land three major ad accounts right now and they require a lot of my time. I promise to make it up to you. I will meet you at the party at eight."

"I'll see you at eight then. Bye Victoria. I love you." Joe said his tone softening a bit.

Joe straightened his tie and looked at his watch. It was a quarter to eight. Locking the door behind him, he took the elevator down to the lobby and hopped into the limo that would take him to the party.

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