What Lies Beneath Part 29-30

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"Who in the fuck were you with the other night when you were supposedly in a meeting?" Victoria began sobbing and tried again to pull away.

"ANSWER ME!!!" Joe yelled yanking her hair roughly.

"I...I was in a meeting Joe. I was with a client. We were discussing the campaign." Victoria sobbed uncontrollably.

"DON'T FUCKING LIE TO ME. Sav saw you at the restaurant with someone. WHO WAS IT?" Joe said angrily releasing her hair and he raised his hand to her again, bringing it down with a resounding *SMACK* against her face as the back of his hand connected her square in the mouth.

Victoria cried out as she felt her head snap back involuntarily when he struck her and she instantly tasted the saltiness of her own blood as it filled her mouth. She wiped her mouth with her hand and looked at it seeing her own blood smeared across the knuckles.

"I'm not lying. I was meeting with the client in the restaurant. We had drinks and discussed the campaign."

Joe went to the bar and poured himself a whiskey, downing it in one swallow then threw the glass across the room where it shattered then walked back to where Victoria stood trembling and grabbed her by the throat squeezing it lightly.

"What in the fuck were you doing having drinks with him?" Victoria tried pulling his hand away but he didn't loosen his grip and he grabbed her free hand twisting it painfully away from him.

"I'll ask you one more time Victoria, what were you doing having a fucking drink with him?"

"Please let go Joe. I'll tell you but let go. I can't breathe." Joe released her pushing her backwards and she gasped as fresh air entered her lungs.


"I'm waiting Victoria." Joe snapped placing his hands on his hips.

Victoria started to tell Joe about the meeting when the telephone began ringing.

"Don't answer that. Just tell me about the meeting." Joe demanded.

"He's a client Joe. My boss Randy insisted that we meet with him for drinks. He's a client nothing more." Victoria explained.

*Answering Machine* "Victoria, I just wanted to say that it was really great to meet you the other night for drinks. We need to get together again and discuss the campaign further. I really enjoyed your company and am anxious to talk with you some more. My number is (501) 555-6792. Call me and we'll set up our next meeting. How does dinner sound? I think with you as my sponsor my cosmetics company is really going to take off. Give me a ring. *Beep!*

Victoria swallowed looking at Joe unsure as to how he was going to react. She didn't even know how he had gotten her number.

"Well isn't that fucking cozy? Giving out our number to clients now Victoria?" Joe snapped grabbing her by the hair again and pulling her toward him.

"Ow, let go of me Joe. Please." Victoria sobbed.

"Sounds like he really enjoyed your company Victoria. Did you fucking dance with him too?" Joe spat furiously.

"No...no Joe. He's just a client. I don't know how he got my number. Randy must have given it to him. I love you Joe, I don't want anyone else but you. Please Joe, you're hurting me." 

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