What Lies Beneath 11-12

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Part 11

"Phil would be right. Who wants to pay good money to come listen to two hours of guitar and drum solos?" Joe retorted laughing at Sav's expression.

"So, you were going to leave without saying goodbye to me Joe and Victoria?" Paige smiled descending the stairs and giving Joe a hug.

"Your old man is kicking us out." Joe joked. Paige turned to her husband with a raised brow.

"Honest, I didn't. I invited him to jam with me but Victoria has early meetings."

"Okay guys. Thanks for coming to dinner. It's been awhile. Glad you could make it." Paige hugged Victoria and wrapped her arm around Sav's waist.

"Have a good night." They waved to Sav and Paige as they pulled from the driveway and headed home.

They didn't talk on the ride home and when they entered the house, Joe immediately went to the bar and fixed himself a drink.

Joe took a swig of his drink and without looking up from his glass he could sense Victoria looking at him.

"Did you tell Paige and Sav anything because they sure seemed to know something was going on?" Joe said evenly taking another sip of his drink.

"All I said to Paige was that we had an argument but that we had worked it out."

Joe stood there silently looking at the roses that sat on the bar which Victoria carefully arranged to look just perfect. Joe picked up the vase and hurled it across the room. Victoria jumped as the glass shattered against the wall. Joe crossed the room and roughly grabbed Victoria by her arms and got in her face.

Part 12

"What goes on between us is no one else's business. Got it?" Joe spat angrily.

"You're hurting me Joe. Please let go. I didn't tell her anything else I promise." Joe released her and his expression softened suddenly.

"I'm sorry luv. Let's go to bed. You need your rest and so do I." Victoria couldn't believe the sudden change in attitude but was grateful for it none the less.

"I know you wouldn't tell them anything so we'll just forget it."

Victoria slipped into bed and Joe spooned against her and was almost immediately asleep. She lay there with her eyes open unmoving trying to figure out Joe's sudden behavior change.

Well, it wasn't really all that sudden. She had noticed slight changes over the past few months but dismissed it as stress from the tour and such.

Sighing she closed her eyes not waking until the alarm clock blared the next morning. She shut it off and slipped out of bed to shower before she had to head to the office.

Once dressed she combed her hair into a soft bun and gathered her briefcase off the dresser and bent to kiss Joe.

He didn't stir. She looked at her watch and decided to let him just sleep because otherwise she would be late for work.

Victoria looked at the campaigns spread across her desk but didn't really see them as her mind was on Joe thinking about their argument and last night when he threw the vase. She had apparently angered him in some way but couldn't figure out why.

"Victoria, Victoria." She snapped her head up and saw her boss looking at her with concern.

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