What Lies Beneath 43-44

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"I'm doing well. Work keeps me busy but I've been trying to cut back on my schedule. Its way too much stress keeping up those hours."

"She's also doing it for me, being the selfish bastard I am." Joe laughed.

"Joe, I don't know how she puts up with your ass. If I had been her, I would have left you long ago." Viv said chuckling.

Victoria smiled weakly feeling tears form in her eyes and she excused herself and ran inside.

"I'll go see what my wife is crying about." Joe started to rise when Paige pushed him down firmly.

"You stay put Joe. This is for a woman to deal with." Paige went inside to find Victoria and found her sitting in the kitchen on one of the wooden barstools that surrounded the breakfast nook sobbing.

Paige rested her hand on Victoria's shoulders and sat next to her. "Talk to me sweetie. Come on; let's go in Sav's den. We'll have more privacy there." Wordlessly Victoria followed Paige into the next room and slipped her body into the large black leather sofa that sat opposite the dark cherry oak desk.

"How long has he been hitting you Victoria? Don't even think about telling me he hasn't because I can tell he has. I had a friend that was in an abusive relationship. I know the signs." Paige kneeled down in front of her and hooked her chin raising it up so she was looking directly in her eyes.

Victoria dabbed at her eyes with the Kleenex Paige handed her and took a deep breath. "I guess it started about two months ago. I had been working late a lot and it was getting to him. He's been drinking more and one night we got into an argument and he slapped me. He said he was sorry the next day and I thought that was the end of it but a few days later it happened again." Victoria sobbed.

"Was that when you got the split lip?" Paige asked becoming angry.


"Yes but Paige, he's never done this before. We've been married six years and not once has he ever hit me until recently. I don't know what's causing it Paige but I think he has a problem. Drinking being one of them." Victoria said sadly.

"Don't make fucking excuses for him Victoria. As long as you do that, you'll be giving him permission to beat you. Is that what you want? Do you want the beatings to continue?" Paige demanded.

Victoria shook her head. "No, but I love him Paige. I love him so much. That's why it hurts so much when he's angry at me. I feel like it's my fault."

"Get one thing straight Victoria. It's not your fault. Joe's got a problem but it's not your fault. He needs help but he has to want help. As long as you continue thinking it's your fault, you're not helping him. I don't want you going home with him tonight. You'll stay here with Sav and me."

Victoria shook her head vigorously. "I can't do that Paige. He'll be furious."

"Do you think I give a fuck what he thinks? I won't have you in that house with him. I'm going to tell Sav and he'll help get Joe out of here." Paige started to leave when Victoria grabbed her arm.

"Please Paige, don't tell Sav. I can't stay here and subject your family to this. You're expecting your baby and there's Tyler to think about too." Victoria pointed out.

"Then I'll get you into a woman's shelter. They'll help you." Paige replied.

"No Paige, please. I'll leave him but I need to do it on my own and in my own time." Victoria pleaded softly. Paige knew she couldn't force her and even if she did, she would just end up going back to him if she didn't anyway.

"The only way I'm going to agree to this Victoria is if you let me tell Sav and you promise to talk to a woman's crisis center about this. Otherwise I'm going to confront Joe right now. It's up to you." Victoria sobbed collapsing into Paige's shoulder and nodded her head.

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