What Lies Beneath 5-6

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*ADULT Content, Language, Violence*

Part 5

Victoria lay there looking at her sleeping husband and wondered why for the first time in their six years of marriage he had struck her. Raising a hand to her cheek, she trembled recalling the look of pure fury in his eyes when she had come home from work. Sighing softly she slipped from the bed and padded across the plush blue carpet to the master bath and turned the water on.

Slipping the white satin negligee from her body she stepped beneath the spray and let the water wash away the stress of the past week. She thought about Joe and figured the reason for his anger was in part due to the alcohol he had apparently consumed during the party and it may have also been why he hit her.

Standing there with her eyes closed, she let the water cascade over her body the warmth of it ridding the sleepiness from her system. She suddenly felt arms slip around her waist as Joe stepped in behind her kissing her neck softly as his hands wandered and traced the outline of her nipples and then to her stomach slipping between her legs to caress her womanhood.

"Oh yes Joe." Victoria moaned softly leaning back against his broad chest.

Nibbling her neck he slipped his fingers deep into her folds as he worked her clit with his other hand feeling it harden beneath his touch. Joe parted her legs roughly and entered her from behind as he continued massaging her nub bringing her to climax immediately. Groaning loudly he spilled into her and leaned back against the shower wall panting heavily.

Smiling at her he leaned into her and nibbled her bottom lip playfully. "Thank you luv. I needed that. I hope that I'm forgiven for last night. I didn't mean to hurt you."

Tears formed in her eyes and she nodded her head. "I know Joe. I forgive you."

"I love you Victoria." Kissing her firmly he turned the shower off and helped her step from the tub.

He got out two towels from the linen closet and wrapped the thick blue terry cloth towel around her body as well as one around his waist.

Part 6

"And I love you Joe." Victoria slipped the towel from her body and donned a black with white pin striped business suit and a pair of black pumps. Joe dressed in a pair of worn leather pants and a black sweater. He had planned to work in the studio all day and didn't see the point in getting too dressed up.

Breakfast was quiet as Joe read the morning paper and sipped his orange juice. Swallowing the last sip of his juice he stood up and kissed Victoria.

"I'm heading to the studio. Have a good day at work and make sure you come home right after works because we're due to go over to Sav and Paige's tonight for dinner."

"I'm looking forward to it. I'll bet Tyler is getting so big." Victoria smiled and picked up her briefcase forgetting the previous evening.

"Yes, Sav says he's quite the handful. I'll see you tonight." Joe disappeared to the studio and Victoria headed for the office.

Victoria was pouring over some of her ad campaigns when there was a soft knock at her office door. Looking up she smiled when a young man of about 18 held out a bouquet of red roses trimmed in white.

"Delivery for Mrs. Joe Elliott, Sign here please." The young man held out a clipboard with an invoice attached and she quickly signed it giving him a five dollar tip and took the roses from him inhaling the sweet fragrance.

Looking at the card she smiled when she read Joe's words. "I behaved like an ass. I know you've forgiven me but I wanted to send you these to show you how much I love you. Joe." She buzzed for the secretary to have them put in water and looked at her watch and realized she was due in a meeting.

The day had been filled with meeting after meeting in which three different clients suddenly decided that they didn't like what she did and wanted her to start over which meant she would be working even more late evenings which Joe would not be happy with at all.

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