What Lies Beneath 53-54

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"Hey buddy. Daddy has to go out for a bit. Be good for Mommy okay?" Tyler pressed the pause button and ran to his dad hugging him around the waist.

"Okay daddy. Do you still want me to tell you what happens in the movie?" Tyler grinned.

"Tell you what? We'll watch it again when I get back okay?" Sav kissed the top of his head and walked out the door blowing a kiss to Paige.

Victoria ran the light blue terry cloth towel over her damp hair as she descended the stairs when the doorbell rang. She froze wondering who it was. Joe specifically told her not to answer the door.

Peeking through the peep hole her heart sank when she saw Sav standing on the porch and stepped back hoping he would just leave when she thought no one was home.

"Come on luv. I know you're in there. I saw the car in the garage. Open up for me please." Sav asked softly.

Biting her lower lip, Victoria opened the door brushing her long hair over her eyes to hide her swollen eye.

"MY GOD VICTORIA!" Sav gasped entering the house and shutting the door.

"He found out you told us didn't he?" Victoria broke down collapsing into Sav's arms.

"Yes, he was so furious. He said I shouldn't have told you, that it was my fault I had made him so angry." Sav felt his temper flaring.

Tilting her head up, he brushed the hair from her eyes and felt his own tears brim his eyes as he looked at Victoria's swollen jaw and black eye.


"I'm so sorry he did this to you. It will never happen again, do you hear me? I'm not going to let it. I want you to go upstairs and pack a few things. You're coming home with me. You'll stay with Paige and I until we figure things out."

Victoria started to protest but Sav placed his fingers to her damaged lips silencing her. "It will be okay luv. I promise. Go pack, I have a phone call to make." Victoria's eyes bulged.

"You're not calling the police are you?" Sav nodded.

"Yes, we can't let him get away with this Victoria, my god. He had no right to do this."

Sav told her gingerly touching her eye with the tips of his fingers. "The police better pray they find him before I do because I won't be responsible for what I'll do to him when I get my hands on him." Victoria quickly went upstairs to throw some clothes in a suitcase, her stomach tied in knots as she thought about what Joe was going to do once he got home.

Sav pulled his cell from his back pocket and punched in the numbers for the local police.

"Dublin Police, how may I help you?" The dispatcher said.

"I want to report a case of domestic violence." Sav stepped out onto the porch so Victoria wouldn't hear and partly so he could keep an eye out for Joe in case he came home.

"Are you one of the parties involved Sir?" The dispatcher said in a professional calm manner.

"No, just a friend. My friend is a victim in this case." Sav told her scanning the road for any familiar cars.

"Why isn't she reporting this Sir?" She asked him evenly.

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