What Lies Beneath 25-28

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Part 25

It wouldn't have to be all the time. Just a week or so perhaps. In between shows we could spend time together, just you and me. What do you say?"

"I would love to Joe. I'll see what I can do about work but I can't promise anything."

Joe smiled. "Okay luv." They arrived at Tante Zoë's and Joe opened the door for her wrapping his arm around her waist as they headed inside.

A petite woman with dark red hair came over to their table to take their orders.

"I'm going to have the Blackened Chicken and a draft beer if you would." Joe said winking at the waitress.

Oh great Victoria thought. He was going to drink again. "I'll just have a Caesar salad and an ice tea please." Joe looked at her, concern playing about his eyes.

"Are you sure that's all you want baby?" Victoria nodded.

"I'm not very hungry. I had a late lunch." Joe nodded and downed half of the beer the waitress set in front of him.

"Thanks luv. Can you go ahead and bring me a refill?" The waitress went off to get his refill and Victoria felt a pang of fear wondering if the night would end up in fighting as it had the previous nights when he drank.

"I'm glad you were able to get off work early for a change. It's nice spending time with my wife." Joe leaned into her and kissed her softly on the lips.

"I'm glad too Joe." Kissing her again, he withdrew and stood up.

Part 26

"I'll be right back. Nature calls." Joe walked off to the restroom and Victoria found herself breathing a sigh of relief.

She felt as if she had to be very careful in her words for fear of upsetting him and hated it. Victoria loved Joe with everything in her but she had never seen him so angry.

Victoria was brought from her thoughts when Joe returned to the table scooting in next to her and kissing her cheek.

"I love you Victoria. After dinner, I want to take my wife home and make love to her." Joe said softly kissing her neck.

Victoria felt herself moan softly and felt herself wanting that as well. "I love you Joe."

Their moment was interrupted when the waitress brought them their dinner and set another beer in front of Joe.

They quickly ate dinner and Joe finished his beer and went to pay the check. Victoria rose and grabbed her purse.

Luckily Joe had not drunk more than two beers so the ride home was uneventful and they made love until they were spent and fell asleep in each others arms.

After Victoria left for work Joe was about to head to the studio when the doorbell rang.

"Hey mate, what brings you by?" Joe asked.

"Just came by to pick up my guitar. I want to get it restrung before rehearsal." Joe stepped aside letting Sav enter and shut the door behind him.

Sav groaned holding his stomach. "What's the matter Sav?" Joe asked noting the frown on his face.

Part 27

"I just have heartburn. Paige and I went to Tante Zoe's last night. All that Cajun spice is catching up with me I guess." Sav grinned.

"You better start watching that diet Sav. You're getting to be an old man. Need to keep track of that blood pressure."

"You should talk mate. You're older than I am." Sav laughed softly.

"Just get the bloody guitar and go would you mate?" Joe scowled.

"Alright Joe. Don't get the old blood pressure boiling." Sav quickly ducked as Joe made to whack him upside the head and walked down to the studio to get the guitar.

Sav appeared in the doorway of the living room and was a bit shocked to see Joe holding a drink so early in the morning but decided not to ask.

"I got my guitar. I need to be off. Paige wants me to pick up Tyler from preschool and go to the store for her. Talk at ya later mate."

"Okay Sav. See you at rehearsal tonight." Sav turned to leave, and then paused.

"Hey Joe, Paige said Victoria seemed upset last night when we saw her at the restaurant. I just thought you should know so you can ask her what's up." Sav began walking away when Joe grabbed his arm.

"You saw Victoria at the restaurant? When was this Sav?" Joe asked feeling his temper flaring.

"Yes, she was there with someone. I just assumed it was business since right before we left another man joined her and it was Randy her boss. I have to go. See you tonight."

Part 28

"Yes, see you tonight. Thanks Sav." Joe shut the door behind him and walked to the wet bar and downed the drink in his hand before reaching for the whiskey bottle and pouring himself a refill, all thoughts of going to the studio erased from his mind.

The day had gone by fairly quickly and Victoria was anxious to get home. Things were going better for her and Joe and she wanted to get home and make him his favorite dinner, then suggest vegging out in front of the television and watching movies with possibly more to follow.

Randy had wanted her to work late but she told him that she had more important things to do and would see him Monday.

She didn't even mind the rush hour traffic as she pulled off the exit to go home, taking a detour to the local video store and picked out an action movie for Joe and a romantic somewhat mushy comedy for her.

Gathering the movies and her purse, she locked the garage door and sprinted up the steps and opened the door. Victoria froze when she saw Joe standing there with a look of cold fury dancing in his eyes.

He'd been drinking again. She could smell the alcohol that evaporated from his body and his eyes were bloodshot. She stared silently at the empty glass he cradled in his hands then back up at him.

Victoria gingerly took a step toward him. "Joe, what's....."

The back of Joe's hand rose up and came down connecting with Victoria's jaw sending her sprawling to the floor. The movies dropped from her hands and she cried out raising her hand to her burning cheek.

"YOU FUCKING LIED TO ME!" Joe screamed grabbing a handful of her hair and pulling her from the floor.

Victoria whimpered trying to push against his hand to ease the pain from him pulling her hair. Joe yanked harder on it and got in her face.

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