What Lies Beneath 39-40

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*Adult Content, Language, Violence*


Victoria rose early and prepared her famous potato salad and even baked a couple of batches of chocolate chip cookies since she knew they were Tyler's favorite. Looking at her watch, she noted that they were due at Sav's in about an hour and Joe had still not gotten out of bed.

Climbing the stairs to their bedroom, Victoria entered the room and Joe was still asleep with his leg half off the bed while the rest of him was buried underneath the white down comforter with only the top of his head showing.

Reluctantly she went to the bed and gently tapped his shoulder. "Joe, you need to get up. We're due at the Savage's in less than an hour."

Joe groaned and turned over on his side. "JOE, get up sleepy head. You need to get dressed so we can go." Victoria spoke a little louder.

Joe popped his eyes open and looked at Victoria as if he could see right through her. She took a step back and felt her heart jump when he rose from the bed. Naked, he strode to the bathroom and began brushing his teeth without saying anything.

Joe spat the toothpaste into the sink and rinsed his mouth with water. Replacing the brush in the holder he walked to the dresser and removed a pair of jeans and a worn union jack shirt. Buttoning his pants, he slipped his shirt over his head and calmly ran a brush through his golden locks.

He set the brush back on the dresser and stepped toward the door. Pausing, he reached out and grabbed Victoria by the throat and slammed her against the wall. "You don't say one fucking word about what goes on in this house. Do I make myself perfectly clear?" Joe asked evenly his voice laced with venom.

Victoria could only nod, feeling tears form in her eyes. "Good, let's go." Kissing her lips, he released her and walked through the door and went downstairs.

Shaking, Victoria followed him downstairs and collected the cookies and potato salad.


Joe turned on the radio and sung along with an old tune of the Eagles "Hotel California" as they drove through the shaded streets of Dublin past the many beautiful homes that decorated the landscape.

Tyler came running up to greet them as they pulled to a stop, giggling when Sav picked him up tickling him, scolding him for running off without an adult.

"Hey mate, I'm glad you could make it. Everyone is around back." Tyler reached his arms out to his Uncle Joe wanting him to hold him.

"Okay, come here boy." Joe gathered him in his arms and kissed his cheek smiling.

"How's my best buddy doing?" Joe grinned at Tyler who was running a little hot wheel car along Joe's shoulders.

"I'm fine Uncle Joe." Squealing with delight, Tyler wiggled to be let down as Victoria emerged from the other side of the car with the tray of cookies.

"I want a cookie Aunt Vicki. Please, can I have a cookie?" Tyler begged looking up at Sav.

"No Tyler, not until you've had dinner." Tyler stuck his lower lip out.

"Please daddy." He pleaded one more time.

"Tyler, I said no. Go help Mommy. We'll be eating shortly." Tyler scooted off to go find Paige and Sav reached out to take one of the dishes from Victoria.

"You had to bring him cookies didn't you Victoria?" Sav grinned.

"He loves my cookies Sav and I love to make them for him." Victoria smiled.

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