What Lies Beneath 31-32

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Joe pushed her away and walked into the hallway and pulled on his leather coat. "I'm going out." He walked out of the house slamming the door behind him.

Victoria didn't know what time Joe came home but when she woke the next morning, his side of the bed was empty but ruffled indicating he had been there but left again.

Pulling her robe around her body, she went to the bathroom and flipped on the light. Victoria shuddered when she saw her swollen lip and her blackening jaw. Her lip had split and was now caked with dried blood. Opening the medicine cabinet she pulled out some gauze and iodine and began cleaning her lip.

Tossing the gauze into the trash she dressed and padded downstairs. Entering the living room, she stopped when she saw Joe standing on the terrace looking out over the mountains of Ireland seemingly lost in whatever he was thinking about.

Joe sensed Victoria behind him and turned tears filling his eyes when he saw her swollen mouth and bruised jaw. Gathering her in his arms, he kissed her forehead, her nose and then placed a very gentle tender kiss on her mouth.

Victoria winced and felt her body stiffen against him. Joe pulled back and stroked her jaw lightly feeling the tears spill fourth.

"Randy called while you were sleeping and told me that he practically forced you to go have drinks with him and that he's the one that gave him our phone number." Kissing her tenderly again he brushed the tears from her lowered eyes.

"I'm so sorry baby. I jumped to conclusions and went off the deep end. I love you. I didn't mean to hurt you." Victoria wrapped her arms around Joe's waist and sobbed into his shoulder.

Pulling away from him, she leaned on the railing of the terrace and looked out over the vast countryside and then turned back to him.



"I love you Joe and only you. You have no reasons to be jealous but you can't keep hurting me. Perhaps some counseling would help and help you with the drinking too." Victoria said pointing to the empty glass sitting on the railing beside him.

"I can control my fucking drinking Victoria. Don't treat me like a fucking child." Joe bellowed. Victoria flinched and stepped back.

"I...I'm sorry. I love you Joe and I just don't want to see anything happen to you." She said feeling fresh tears slip from her eyes.

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me." Joe smiled softly, all traces of anger vanishing from his voice as if it were never there.

"Joe.." Victoria trailed off. She wouldn't push, not today. "Okay Joe. You're fine." Victoria said hesitantly knowing he was far from fine.

Joe wrapped his arms around Victoria and kissed her sore mouth ever so softly. "After rehearsal tonight, do you want to go see a movie? That new comedy you wanted to see is playing. We can sit up in the balcony like a couple of teenagers and make out."

"Sure Joe. That would be fun." Victoria smiled hugging him. Part of her agreed because she wanted desperately for things to be like they were before but she knew she was kidding herself.

"I've got to get into the studio and set up for rehearsal later then we can go into town and have lunch and then go to the show." Joe gave her a quick kiss and disappeared inside.

Victoria turned her attention back to the view but she wasn't really seeing it. Her mind was on Joe and his behavior. He'd acted strangely before, but not like this. Perhaps it was her fault for working so much and having little time for him.

What Lies BeneathOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora