Prolouge 01/14

513 11 3

"I barely consider myself a human anymore."

Lydia was breathing. Breathing again, like always. Just a second ago she had closed her eyes, after her torn of limps had stopped hurting and she was finally at piece, she had to open her eyes again.

A sigh drifted out of her lips, as she listened to the mirrors bribes. Compliments that would have worked a long time ago, but Lydia was tired. Her soul, her mind, her will. It was tired out after being denied the rest it needed for so many times, it was drained and weak.

"The fairest one of all." The mirror chanted, making Lydia giggle slightly, before pushing a hand through her shoulder length brown hair, making it ploof a little.
Her tired eyes waver across the room, taking in the details of it before realizing there was no door for her to go outside with. The only exit was truly the one right infront of her, through the mirror.

She shuffles and stands up, taking a few steps towards the mirror, as it patiently waited for her to take its hand. She sighs stopping right infront of it. She had seen this scene once before, back in her first life were she was the average 16 year old kid everyone knew her for.

She doesn't remember everything that good, as if fog had settled itself around the memory, but she knew she had to fight Overblots. In some sense she was angry at herself for loving horror and adventure games so much.

She wouldn't have been suffering if she had just read more romance books. But who was she kidding? She had been killed of in twighlight too during a fight. It was just no use fighting anymore.

Lydia grabs the hand of the person in the mirror, seeing flashes of green fire, before being tossed into a carriage and passing out.

°•__The restless__•°


Nya, gotta get that uniform..."
Lydia's eyes fluttered open, being greeted with darkness. It didn't bother her, the darkness was the least of her problems.

But the box she was stuck in would be a problem in a few minutes when her claustrophobia would start to kick in. It was honestly annoying that she had died about 10 times and still did not loose that stupid fear.

"The lid is to heavy, time for my special move!" Lydia is confused by this. Was someone trying to open the lid?

Not like she minded it but the annoying high pitched voice of whoever was outside did not make it seem like they were up for a fun talk. She also started to push the lid, it surprisingly not budging even a bit.

The lid suddenly caught on fire causing Lydia's adrenalin to kick in and making her push the lid open. The grey cat in front of her made a face as if it will be raining every day forever on its birthday.

"You are supposed to be asleep..." It growled. Lydia on the other hand was focusing on the room, realising she just stepped out of a coffin. She was now in a slightly sour mood, like honestly!

"I should have just stayed inside of there, I would have been cremated without even having too ask." She muttered, making the grey feline put on a concerned expression.
"What did you say?" It asks in disbelief, making Lydia stare at. She had seen so much weird shit that a talking cat could be considered normal. As she realised she had just told it she wanted to die, she put on a fake smile.

"I said I really like your firy ears!" She compliments, catching the cat of guard. Lydia on the other was already focused on leaving that hall, as the cat suddenly again realised what it was here for.

"HEY, hand me over that uniform of yours!" It says, pointing aggressively at the purple black robe Lydia was wearing, it had pretty golden patterns on it.

"Well, I could. But why should I do what some animal tells me to do?" Lydia exclaims, rolling her eyes. She didn't have any mental strength to care. The cat could just have the robe if it wanted it so badly. But said robe seemed to be important and this changed the situation immensely.

"Did you just say, SOME ANIMAL?" The cat yells, its confused expression turning to anger. "I am the great Grim! On the way to become the best magician in the world!"
The emphasis on the great made Lydia giggle slightly before she quickly went to having an expressionless face.

"Well if you are as great as you say we should search for the Headmaster to get you a robe that fits." She says, to tired to start a fight. She could bet she would fall asleep the next second. It was mood dropping to know it wouldn't even help a bit against her tiredness.

"Why are you offering that? You aren't planning on getting me kicked out of here, are ya?" The cat exclaims with a frown. The brunette puts up two hands in a defensive motion.

"I would have screamed if I wanted to have you kicked out." She reasons, before holding her hand out towards the cat. "How about I try my best to not get you kicked out an you don't try to kill me."

Grim hesitantly puts his paw into her hand, before retracting it as he proceeds what she had just said.

"Why would you believe I would kill you?" If Lydia didn't suddenly loose her ability in expression reading, the cat seemed kinda hurt.

The girl shrugs. "I have no idea, you just look like someone with the skill to do so." She smiles genuinely. "You should take that as a compliment, you know! I don't say that everyone."

The cat again took her hand, agreeing to the deal. "You are a very strange human, you know that?" He says, but his mood seemed to have shifted. Lydia stands up, starting to walk towards the door she named exit.
"I barely consider myself a human anymore.

°•__The restless__•°

The two had been walking for quite some time, arriving at a libary. Lydia remembered that the game actually had a chasing scene at the start, she had swiftly avoided, even if more for the sake of her tired brain, than for the sake of others or even the school.

"Man, this is booring." The cat whined, making the brunette shake her head. "I know, but the Headmaster is probably searching for us and we aren't making it easier for him to find us if we move places every minute."

The cat sighed in defeat flopping on the floor. Lydia let out a slight chuckle. "See it on the bright side, you might as well be able to start studying."

Grim looked at the human. He was confused by them. He had animal instincts that allowed him to sense some things that couldn't be seen, but this human in front of him was numbed down. Tired, empty even. As if the fire in their soul had died down a long time ago.

He is about to say something as he hears the door opening. A man with a crow mask and general bird like attire stared at them, confusion flickering through his eyes.

"You are an impatient person. Not even waiting for us to pick you up from the hall and not only that, you let your familiar roam through the libary."

Lydia nods in an understanding motion, looking at the Headmaster. "I apologise for the inconvenience sir, but this Cat is not my familiar."
The man doesn't listen, simply pushing Lydia and Grim through the door, starting to mutter something about them being late to the entrance ceremony.

°•__The restless__•°



The Restless [Twisted Wonderland x oc]Where stories live. Discover now