Prologue 10

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Don't tell me your scared of the dark


Huh? There is supposed to be a mine?" Ace asks tilting his head. Lydia was also a bit baffled. Crowley had said that the dwarves mine shouldn't be so far away, but the only thing she could see was a small house. The brunette blinked slowly before shaking her head to get rid of the disappointment.

"We could go ask the people in the house over there if they know where the mine is." Deuce says pointing towards the small building. Grim was looking towards the house, before putting his ears down.

"Grim?" Lydia crouched down to the cat, almost as if she was expecting to see something she couldn't see from up her height. "Are you okay?" The cat looked at the brunette nodding. "Yes.."

Lydia knew he wasn't. The way he eyed the house probably meant there was something incredibly wrong with it. But before she can tell the tweedles about her suspicions, they already started walking towards the house.

As soon as they get closer the group of "friends" noticed a very big black hole in the mountain behind the house. Ace turned around, pointing at it. "I guess we have already found the entrance." 

Lydia still wanted to knock on the door. For no actual reason except curiosity. She had to think of the saying: "curiosity killed the cat." Lydia has to smile to herself. "Well it's definitely killed me.

Deuce snaps his head towards the brunette. "What did you say?" Not realising she had said the last part of her thought train out loud, Lydia just waves her hand around. 
With the confidence only someone that has died ten times can have she hammered against the door. A few birds flew out of the nearby trees upon hearing the loud and distracting noise. With a loud creaking the door opens and Lydia nods, tilting her head at the same time.

"Sesam öffne dich." She whispers under her breath, before entering the house, ignoring the protest from Ace and Deuce. Grim was following the brunette, though he hid behind her legs. He was still very much wary of the house and it showed.

Lydia looked around, noticing how dark and dusty everything was. With a soft sigh, she let's her hand glide across the small table, dust settling on it. She suddenly came across a candle, noticing that there were also unwashed dishes in the sink, almost as if someone had to leave hastily.

"Grim, could you light this candle?" Lydia asks, looking behind her. Grim nodded spewing som blue fire onto the candle. The room was now engulfed in a subtle blue light, making the house seem cold and unwelcoming.

"WOAH! Everything's so small here! Look at those seven tiny chairs!" Ace exclaimed, also having found the courage to enter the house. Deuce trailed after him, looking like he was expecting the house to collapse any second.

Upon seeing the blue light Deuce sighed in relief. "Ah, seems like you guys found a light source. We should head into the mine now, otherwise we might not find the stone before dawn." Lydia listened to him. Having to spend the night out here didn't sound so nice, especially since she was a light sleeper and would wake up at every noise. Or not, Lydia thinks to herself, remembering that she indeed slept through the whole night yesterday, it just didn't have an effect.

"Yeah, let's go!" Grim exclaimed rushing out of the house. With a light chuckle Lydia followed him. The tweedles eager to not accidentally be left alone in the darkness followed behind the girl that held the door open for them before closing it.

Ace eyed the entrance distrustful and Grim asked: "Do we have to enter this cave?" Ace looked to the cat, deciding to use this as an opportunity to tease it. "Don't tell me your scared of the dark! That such a childish fear to have!" 

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