Prologue 14/14

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Only the first day and you are already a prefect!


Ace, are you alright?" Lydia turns towards the orange haired male confused. He was limping. She was currently cradling Grim in her arms as he said he was tired. Ace just waves his arm around in a dismissing motion.

"My foot hurts, it's probably not broken but it hurts to walk." Lydia looked at Deuce, he didn't look like he was able to carry anyone at the moment. He was tired and walking slowly. Lydia had taken less of the ghost energy than she had given to those two, but they still were the most strained. Carefully Lydia hands Deuce Grim.
"Can you hold him for a second?" Deuce is confused but obliged without asking any questions. Lydia now turns towards Ace.

"I can give you a piggy back ride until the teleportation point." Ace looks like he is about to complain, but Lydia's gaze has so much authority in it that he starts to believe if he doesn't comply she will throw a shoe. Again. 

"Okay, if you are already offering." He jumps onto Lydia's back, surprised by the fact she can hold him. But he isn't going to complain, though mentally he has to believe that he just took advantage of a nice person just so that he doesn't die of embarrassment.

°•__The restless__•°


You three actually went to the dwarves mine, to get a crystal?" The shocked face of Crowley would leave Lydia's mouth hanging, but as her body was only capable of sighing. A long one, sounding drained and empty.

The Birdman puts a few documents to the side he had carried with him to the mirror chamber. "I really didn't expect that! And even more, you guys came back with a crystal in hand. I had already prepared the expallation notes." He chuckles. 

Grim presses his paws into his sides, looking at Lydia. "Can you believe him? Preparing papers that throw us out of the school while we have to fight some crazy monster!" Ace and Deuce nod, they both look offended to an extent and Lydia couldn't deny it, she was too. How dare him underestimate them this bad.

Crowley flinched at the word monster and turns around. "What do you four mean with monster?" His eyes dart over to Ace, who steps forward. 

"We mean that big ink monster that almost crushed us to death!" He tries to show the height of the monster with his hands, but no matter how much he tried, he didn't even slightly look as tall as the monster.

Crowley tilts his head. "That's intresting, please tell me more." 
Lydia didn't think Intresting was a good word for it. Maybe concerning would fit better, especially about a monster that almost crushed them to death? Something about Crowley made her blood boil and while it was nice to feel some emotion, she couldn't risk blowing up and causing Grim any harm.

After Ace tells the story, leaving out the part that the ghosts rescued their life, (though on second thought, Lydia hadn't told them about that sacrifice.) Crowley nodded.
"So you four worked together in order to defeat the monster." He summarises the end fight. "No, we didn't work together. We just aligned our motivations in order to gain the best outcome." Deuce says as if he had to defend his honour. Ace was also starting to bicker, or tried to, until Crowley started to uncontrollably sob.

Lydia knew those were just crocodile tears and not worth much attention, but Ace felt the need to comment on that. "Why the heck is a grown ass adult crying?"

Crowley dramatically put his hand against his forehead. "In all my years as a Headmaster at Night raven college, I wished for the day to come where my students would work hand in hand in order to overcome their obstacles."

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