Prologue 12

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"Did the little regespiravit come back to fight the evil monster on her own?"


ydia was the first to go back into the mine, though she wouldn't fight the monster. The plan was simple; Lydia would try to asking the ghosts for help. Should they help, the monster could be distracted more easily, should they not the plan was going to work anyway. Lydia would just have to distract the monster with Grim on her own.

The mine was gigantic and darker than the first time she entered. Lydia runs a hand through her hair rifling it up. She didn't like the dark, not at all. The dark was something that always accompanied her death. 

Her breathing starts picking up. No matter how foggy everything might seem and feel, fear still liked to be present, kinda like cold water thrown into your face on a very cold day.

Lydia looked into the darkness slowly taking one step after the other. The dark had been more bearable with Grim on her side. She continues to walk, trying to shut out the ghost pain that dance other her body. The pain was never over when the world got dark, you just couldn't see the injuries anymore.

"Ohoho! Look whose here!" Lydia snaps her head towards the source of the voice. Behind her had manifested the two ghost, both grinning from ear to ear, floating a few inches above the floor.

"Did the little regespiravit (made up word by the Latin word for: ghost = exspiravit and rebirth = regeneratio (got that of google translate-), come back to fight the evil monster on her own?" One of them snickers and Lydia smiles before turning around.
"Not on my own, you both could very much help me!" She tilted her head and both of the ghost stare at her in shock.

"You knew we were talking about you?" Lydia shook her head at that in disappointment. Where this ghost truly stupid or just taken off guard? "I don't know, maybe because I am the only one here?" She exclaimed pointing around with a tired voice.

The ghost shrugged. "Well, little regespiravit, what do you want our help with?" The ghost started to twirl around Lydia, but the brunette was to tired to care about the glowing ghost. At least they made the darkness disappear for a little while.

"Distracting the monster, so we can steal the stone." The ghost promptly stop floating around Lydia after that. They look at her with fear, before they both shake their heads.

"N-NO we can't do that!" The ghost to the left turns to Lydia with fear. "Do you have a death wish, little regespiravit?" He adds, just until Lydia let's out a very tired and throaty chuckle. It almost sounded like she hadn't done that for a long time now.

"Hahaha! I am a regespiravit and that for the 10th time! You think I have a death- HAHAHA!" Lydia crouches, the laughter hurts her stomach and her throat but she can't stop....

°•__The restless__•°


ce was walking up and down in front of the cave. Squirrel had just gone into it a few minutes ago, but for him it felt like ours. He was worried about the brunette, though it was less about liking her than about not wanting to drag her corpse back to school.
"Do you think they're alright?" Deuce suddenly asked turning towards Ace, the orange haired male shrugging. But even more anxious than those two is Grim, he looks to the floor. 

"I hope Lydia gets out of there safely." He mutters under his breath, before looking up and seeing Ace and Deuce stare at him as if he just said something life changing.
"Squirrels name is, Lydia?" Deuce muttered and Ace looked to the floor, to the side and then back at Grim. "That's a girl's name." The orange haired male states.
Grim looks at the two. "Lydia is a Girl." 

There is just silence after that. Both Ace and Deuce just blinked before looking at eachother. Grim just shrugged, he wasn't bothered by this in the least.
There was no more time for the tweedles and Grim to think about such trival matters anyway, because Lydia returned to the cave's entrance with her thumbs up. This was the sign that would cause the second part of the plan to be set in motion. 

°•__The restless__•°


BOOOHH!" One of the ghosts shouted continuously flying around the monsters head, blocking its vision once in a while. Deuce and Ace looked at eachother, it was clear one of them would have to grab the stone. 

The monster seemed more agressive than before, even starting to attack harder. Lydia gritted her teeth, this could ruin the whole plan. She started waving her arms around making loud noises.

"THE THIEVES WON'T LEAVE!" The monster yells throwing a spell at Lydia who barely escape. The monster is not nudging from its place, clutching its lantern tightly.
"STONE'S MINE!" The monster yells again. Deuce frowns, charging towards the monster, even hitting it. The monster answers the attack, with one of it's own. The monster tries to aim at Deuce, but the ghosts are blooking it's vision. 

Lydia starts running towards the monster, in order to distract it further, bit that was a horrible idea. The monster roared loudly upon seeing Lydia and just throws the magic attack. Lydia watches in horror, seeing the spell hit Ace, knocking him of his feet and sending him flying a few metres back. The brunette stops breathing for a second.

Ace doesn't move for a few seconds and blood oozes from his head. Lydia wants to run over to him, but Deuce does it in her stead. Lydia freezes up, her whole body paralyzing. She clutches her arms.

This was ridiculous. She has died ten times and she can't handle seeing a simple injury? In the back of her head rings a small voice. "This is different, because you aren't the one hurt."

Lydia shakes her head in order to sort her thoughts, this wasn't the moment for traumatic flashbacks. 
Ace opened up his eyes, only to see Deuce lean over him, occasionally firing a spell towards the monster. He blinks in order to make the blurry ness disappear.

"What happened?" He muttered sitting up. Deuce looked at him, before  pointing his head towards the monster. "That thing over there knocked you off your feet."
The orange haired male stood up again massaging his jaw, before getting back in fighting stance. Deuce looked at him with a worried expression. "Are you sure you can continue fighting?" 

Ace simply smirks. "The fight just got fun! I won't be backing away now." Deuce rolls his eyes, focusing back on the monster. 
It had been the plan to distract the monster, wich was working in a way, but the monster aimlessly fired at them. Not all spells hit as hard as they did Ace, that didn't mean they didn't hurt.
The blue haired boy watches Grim blast his fire onto the monster, before getting knocked to the side. Lydia had stopped standing there frozen, instead she started to change her tactic calling away the ghosts.


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