Queen of hearts. 01

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(Warning: this chapter includes blood)

"I will join your dorm!"


SHH we've got to be fast!" 

Lydia looks into the garden with great curiosity. "Cards? This the peacefulst dream I had in a while." The cards were gushing over the white rose bushes with red paint.

"FASTER! THERE'S ROSES THAT AREN'T PAINTED YET!" Lydia is about to walk towards them, just until someone passes through her. Fully aware the blonde couldn't see her, Lydia still took her time being offended. If you ever experienced someone passing through you you would probably understand her reaction.

"Why are you guys painting the Rose's?" The blonde asks, tilting her head. Another card, spade 2, hummed before asking: "Why are you asking?" Lydia slowly crept towards the 4 people in hopes of getting more information. Such a courios dream.

Another card soldier chimed in upon seeing Alice's expression. "We made a mistake, we planted the wrong roses. The ones we planted are white!" Lydia softly dunked her finger into the paint, gliding her finger across a rose, smearing red all over it.

"The red queen loves red roses! Should she see the white ones it's of with our head!" Lydia chuckled, that woman seemed like a very picky person, or a perfectionist. Both of those qualities and a bit of tyranny mixed together made a very good villain.

"Oh, is that so?" The soft and polite voice of Alice, Lydia was surprised to realise she knew this person from way before her first reincarnation. The brunette smiled at how obvious the young female was, as the card soldier just nodded in annoyance. "Why else would we paint those roses?"

Lydia is about to take a step forward in hopes of looking around for a few more seconds, until the floor begins to crumble under her and she falls for a very, very long time.

°•__The restless__•°


Where am I?" Lydia mutters out, holding her head. She was in a dark round room, the floor was shimmery and reflected her in a dull and grey colour. 

Lydia looks at her reflection for a short second. She had eye bags and a messy hair cut. Her slightly chubby cheeks looked sunken in. She carefully touched her face, before moving one of her hands towards her reflection on the floor.

Until it grabs her, pulling her into the floor. Lydia felt like she was drowning, her lung hurt and the blood red liquid burned in her eyes. She tried to swim towards the surface but it was as if something pulled her down. She couldn't hold her breath anymore, so she opened her mouth. The liquid burned in her throat and in her lungs as she inhaled it, she thought the pain would never end, until two hands grabbed her arms and pulled her out of the blood.

Coughing Lydia tried to sit up, pushing her lower up, only for her to crumble again under a heavy cough. "Ah! Hallo Lydia. Schön zu sehen das du immer noch die alte bist." (Oh! Hello Lydia. Good to see that you're  still the same.)

Her brown eyes widened as she realised who that voice belonged too. Had followed her to this realm too? She wouldn't doubt it. She looks up, on the verge of passing out. Can you even pass out in a dream? 

"Ich wollte dich nur einmal daran erinnern dass Egal wie oft du wieder geboren wirst, ich dir Folgen werde. Ob ich dich persönlich umbringe, oder erscheine als Krankheit. Du wirst mir nicht entkommen. (I just wanted to remind you that no matter how many times you are reborn, I will follow you. Whether I kill you personally, or appear as an illness. You won't escape me.)"

°•__The restless__•°


ydia wakes up, taking a sharp breath, before feeling like she was going to puke. She only sees the dark for a second. Were was she? Who was she? She wasn't dead again, right?" Frantically she searches for a clue that she was alive, only for her fingers to softly touch the blanket. It's as if she was thrown back into reality again.

The ghosts weren't in the room, only Grim was sound asleep. Carefully she sneaks out of the room, in order not to wake him up and closes the door. Just then she bolts towards the toilet, lucky for her there was a functioning bathroom just right down the hall.

She leans over the toilet, coughing out blood. It felt as if her insides were turned inside out and she has to slowly glide to her knees to stop herself from passing out. 
She looked at the blood and despite the pain she was in started laughing. This wouldn't be diffrent from her other lives. She would die, exactly two months after she turned 17. She sighs before standing up and making sure there were no traces of her seizure.

She was used to doing so, after a while death doesn't faze you as much as it used to. She looked at the mirror and she started to feel empty again, as if a fog had slowly taken over her brain numbing down her emotions. She eyed her eye bags, only to sigh. She wouldn't be able to catch a whim of sleep now.

Quietly she makes her way down the stairs, looking through the kitchen. There was a small basket with a note that definitely hadn't been there before. "For the student from a diffrent world. With the warmest recommendations from Mr. S."

She carefully opened it, only to be greeted with a bit of chocolate and cookies. In the freezer were Tuna, eggs and milk. Come to think of it, she hadn't checked the fridge right after coming back from the mission. She smiled to herself. Whoever Mr.S was she had to thank him. Maybe he was a colleague of the Headmaster that knew how dismissive he could be about achievements?

She was about to prepare hot chocolate as she heard a knock. She looked at the clock, it wasn't three a.m, so it couldn't be some monster asking for almonds. She walks towards the door, carefully opening it.

"Ace? What are you doing here?" She calls out in suprise upon seeing the orange haired male. His hair was messy and the heart that rested over his eye was gone, but what stood out the most was the collar around his neck.

"Can I come in?" He asks, looking like a kicked puppy. Lydia held the door open, stepping to the side. "Yeah, of course. But why aren't you in Heartslabyul?" She asks, rubbing her eyes.

"I won't ever go back there! I will join your dorm!" He angrily grunted. Lydia tried her best to sound caring, but her voice lacked the basic human feel to do so. "I have nothing against that, you should tell me about that happened though." She looks towards the kitchen with a smile, that gives off a creepy vibe. "On further note, you should wait in the living room. I have to go do something for a second.

°•__The restless__•°



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