The Queen of hearts. 03

58 6 0

"Pretty chill guy."


HEY! Move out the way! A Night-Raven-college student coming through! NYAHAHA!" To say the two Ramshackle students where different in quite a lot of ways, one example being out on full display. (And we are not talking about the fact that Lydia's a human and Grim is well a cat.) One proudly strutted along the main street, while the other looked like she was about to die if she took another step. Both considered equally annoying, despite no student exept Ace and Deuce having interacted with them.

"Look at my collar! It looks way better than yours does! And you can't even use your unique magic!" Grim howls laughing, while Ace's face scrunched up. "Grim, please tone it down a bit, kay?" Lydia yawns, quickly covering her mouth with her hand, during this motion the sleeve of her slightly to big uniform reveals her arm. It was littered in cuts and bruises, looking like someone had cut her arm off and done a poor job sewing it back together. 

Lydia notices the way Deuce stares at her for a second, quickly rearranging her uniform. No one should be caught up in something that wasn't their business.
"Oh come on henchman! When will I ever again get such a opportunity!" Grim whines before turning back to Ace. "I could have you clean the whole school, that would be so funny!" 

The orange haired male yawns before grumbling: "Mark my words little cat! Once I get my magic back all of this will come back biting your ass!" Lydia just rolls her eyes at the banter, more focused on the students around her. They all seemed more or less like normal boys, exept for the occasional animal ears, but looking normal didn't mean much.

"Well Ace you won't be able to take part in school without magic. You must apologise to our prefect. You might even get that collar off!" Deuce says, but Ace's expression screams "how dare you even consider me apologising", so what he said next wasn't really surprising.

"No way! I won't apologise to that tyrant! I bet he will have me removed from the dorm because I didn't apologise in the correct vocal range or something." He grumbles. Lydia shrugs turning around to face the two boys behind her.
"We still have a bit of time left until the first lesson, we could go to your dorm and have Ace apologise right know." The brunette was sure none of the boys would consider it, or so she though until she noticed Deuce's expression. 

"That is actually a good idea, then we could also make sure that Ace doesn't make the situation worse!" The blue haired boy suddenly claims. 


°•__The restless__•°


he Heartslabyul dorm was hidden in the middle of a maze of perfectly cut bushes. For a second the brunette is mesmerized. She had seen this before, she just couldn't tell when. As she passes a corner there is a rose bush and the white roses have her in a sort of trance and she walks closer.

"I have to hurry an colour the roses red!" She hears from far away, bit before she can investigate Grim tugging the hem of her trousers gains her attention. "There is someone." He mumbles and Lydia steps closer. There stands an orange haired male with a symbol other his eyes, just like the other Heartslabyul boys she knew did. 
The orange boy noticed them almost immediately. "Heya! Do you all need something?" He says in a surprisingly cheerful voice. Ace tilts his head and step forward.

"What are you doing?" He asks and the orange haired boy looks towards the bushes and than back towards Ace. "This? I am painting the roses!" 

Something flashes through her brain, a fleeting memory of a melody she heard a long time ago. Deuce lifts a brow. "Why would you do that?" 

Lydia couldn't deny it, it was truly confusing why someone would paint flowers, though she would assume it was just a cultural or traditional thing. 

"Hm! Your guys reaction is fresh! Really cute!" The male exclaims, starting to move towards the small group of people. Ace, Deuce and Grim looked a bit offended, while Lydia just stared into the nothingness like there was something in the void of her gaze.

He came to a halt smiling brightly. "I remember you four! Aren't you the guys that crashed that million-madol-worth-chandelier?" Ace sighs disappointed looking towards the floor. "Man, that will haunt us till our graduation." If Lydia could she would have smiled at the dark humour though that crossed her mind. "It wouldn't haunt me, cause I won't make it till graduation." But she only continues to stare.

"And your the guy that ate the prefects tart! I must be really lucky today, to meet all the trouble maker freshmen. He he! Let's take a picture!" During that last part he pulls out a phone, grinning brightly. Everyone stares akwardly and confused into the camera but that doesn't seem to bother the orange haired male. "I want to upload this! Tell me your names so I can tag you guys, kay?" 

Being the politest out of the group, Deuce is the first to introduce himself, followed by Ace, but as Grim goes third Lydia quickly cuts him off. "I am Yuu Rune." 
She doesn't know why she did that, maybe because a petite part of her brain was still mischievous, or because she didn't want to rub it into everyone's face that she wasn't actually a guy. Luckily she wasn't lying, her middle name being Yuina had its perks occasionally.

"Upload finished~ I am Carter Diamond a third year, but you guys can call me Carter-kun. Or Cay-Cay if your cray-cray." He jokes. 

"Pretty chill guy." Lydia mutters, earning Carters attention with that. "Your the boy that became that Ramshackle-dorm's prefect right? I am surprised you can live there. It's dark and I always fear something might jump at me. I feel with you." Lydia shrugs. 

"It could be worse." 

As soon as he hears her say that Ace snaps his head towards her. What did that girl mean with "it could be worse?". Had she been living in a cave before that? The dorm looked so crusty and dusty that the time he slept there he feared he wouldn't wake up again, though he wouldn't admit it.

"We shouldn't just stand there and do nothing, after all we have to prepare stuff for the party!" Carter mumbles to himself, before suddenly asking: 
"Would you guys mind helping me?"

°•__The restless__•°


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