Prolouge 04

204 7 0

"Your voice is beautiful"

Lydia looked around for a bucket, before starting to hum a song. She didn't even know if she sang all the lyrics correctly, but the nerves of the brunette would probably die without having hummed at least one song.

It calmed her in every way, mentally and physically, just how it did back when she thought reincarnations only happened in fiction. She loved having a melody in her ear, being able to let it glide across her body, slowly moving with the melody. Ridiculous to the outside, but a welcomed feeling to the inside.

"Don't stay awake for too long, don't go to bed..." She hums under her breath, looking through the closets of the Ramshackle. She looked up the stairs that lead upwards, anxiety filling her stomach as she decides to climb up the stairs.

"I made a cup of coffee for your head..." She continues, carefully testing each step, before finally reaching the top. She found a bucket, along with a mop, both things rusty and dusty as if the last time someone had picked them up was in the 1800.

Lydia was on her way back now, after having finally gotten down those life threatening stairs, she heard noises of approval. 

"A magnificent voice you have there dear!" The voice says and Lydia wips her head towards it's source in suprise. The ghost that looks at her with a gentle smile catches her of guard. She had rarely encountered ghosts in her past lives, since most of the time she had to deal with living people.

"Thank you." She says eyeing the ghost with curiosity. Lydia liked being curios about things, learning was fun. She had been reincarnated so often that even learning brought her joy. That was ridiculous. No wonder she felt so tired, carrying memories from all her 10 lives was draining her mental power and she had already forgotten almost everything.

Lydia turned her attention back to the ghost, watching it float closer, as suddenly two more popped out. Despite what is the norm for being surprised by ghosts, the brunette didn't even flinch and simply stared straight ahead.

"While I have no problem with you popping out of walls, I would like you all to not scare my poor friend." She says out of the blue, staring down one of the ghost. She might have only known Grim for a few hours, but she had the feeling she needed to take care of the feline.

"Oh, but it has been soooooo long since we had any guest!" One of the ghost complains, but Lydia shoots them a glare, that is probably more of a deadpan  stare.
"Well, I have no problem with making you unwanted visitors if you aren't accepting that simple rule." The girl says, with a surprisingly sharp voice. Whatever it was that scared the ghost, they had the feeling that messing with her might not be as fun as they had anticipated at first.

Lydia had actually not wanted to make the ghosts uncomfortable, or even scared, but being denied an eternal rest gave you mood swings. She was tired and sensitive to everything or way to dense for everything, there was no in between.

She carefully moved the bucket, as suddenly one of the ghost looked at her, tilting its head. Lydia looked at it her dull eyes fixating it on the spot as if she wanted to turn the ghost into stone.

"Ms. would you mind singing again? Your voice is beautiful." The ghost says while the brunette nodded embarrassed her cheecks getting a slightly rosy tint. 

"Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt anyone if I did..." She muttered under her breath, before starting to sing again. She had simply restarted the song she had sung before, as she remembered the lyrics quite well know.

Lydia patiently went back to collecting water in the bucket the ghost following her around. She felt creeped out, but was too lazy and tired to bother with it. As she passed Grim she rearranged the blanket that had fallen of the grey feline.

She had started to clean up the living room, still continuing to sing the song, before she suddenly snapped her head towards the ghost.

"Could you help me? I don't think that I'll be able to clean everything up on my own." She hesitantly said. The ghosts eyes turned from a soft red back into a blue again and they felt like they had snapped out of something. Not like Lydia cared.

"Uhh, well yeah!" The ghost said hesitantly as if he didn't want to do it, but felt obligated to it. Lydia nodded with a slight smile, handing the ghost a mop. She on the other hand started to rearrange the furniture quietly in order to not disturb Grim.

Lydia's brown hair fell into her face while she started to lift a table. Out of suprise she almost had dropped it. She was never that strong and lifting a table like that shouldn't have felt this easy.

She eyed her arms, as if they were creatures out of a diffrent dimension before moving the table to its righteous place, it now having back its function as a coffe table.

The living room didn't look as bad anymore and Lydia was very proud of her work. She looked over to the ghosts, flashing them a tired smile and a thumbs up. "We have finished for today!"

She turns to the ghost that look at her tilting their head. Lydia tilted her head following the ghost motion her expression seeming kinda deadpan.

"Well lil' missy, you didn't expect us to help you for free did ya? We want you to sing again as a payment." One of the ghost said and Lydia shakes her head bit slightly giggling.

She sighed, resting her right hand on her forehead before pulling it through her shoulder length brown hair and nodding at the ghosts request. "Alright, but only because I am not that tired yet."

Everyone that had eyes in their face knew the girl was lying about the not being tired part. Her whole demeanour screamed tired in capital letters and neon colours on a dark surface.

Lydia sat down on the dusty couch and jokingly patted the spot next to her. The ghost of course couldn't really sit down next to her, but it was still fun to pretend they could. 

"Is it alright if I sing a lullaby? I don't have the energy to remember something else." She asked and the ghosts nodded, patiently waiting for her to start singing again. 
Lydia brushed off her embarrassment by simply telling herself fuck it, it's not like anyone other than the ghost could hear her. She took a deep breath and started to sing the song she had heard so often in her childhood.

Schlaf Kindlein, Schlaf. (Sleep child sleep)

Der Vater hüt die Schaf, die Mutter schüttels bäumelein, da fällt herab ein Träumelein. (The father looks after the sheep, the mother shakes the tree, so a dream falls down)
Schlaf Kindlein Schlaf. (Sleep child, sleep)

 The ghost were surprised by the fact that they actually started to feel drowsy while Lydia sang. They could have sworn that that wouldn't be possible, but this was the same thing they had felt just a few hours before after she had sung for the first time.

While they bet her voice made the living fall asleep, it put them in some sort of comforting trance. The ghost sighed, maybe they wouldn't spook her away, even if it's just for the sake of the sleep mimicking trance. 

It was kinda sad, the girl jad the ability to put everyone to  a good and comforting rest, exept herself. No matter how hard she would try, she would forever be tired, tired and numb.

Before walking up the stairs, she looked at Grim who was comfortably resting in the small blanket fort she had build for him. Lydia smiled slightly before carefully picking the grey feline up and carrying upstairs.

She had found a usable bedroom with a mattress that wasn't completely destroyed. Carefully placing Grim on the Mattress, she leaves the room again, only to arrive with an a bit more older Mattress with one or two small moth holes.

She left Grim the bed passing out from pure exauhstment before she could arrange anything further. 

°•__The restless__•°



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