prolouge 03/14

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"You are truly a student full of impossibilities"

The Headmaster looked at Lydia with confusion. Scratching his head while Lydia looked to the floor and sighed, having expected this before hand. The Headmaster shook his head.
"This can't be! Never in my time as a headmaster...You are truly a student full of impossibilities mr. Rune." Crowley says, rubbing his temples. Lydia let's out a small chuckle from behind her fist.

"I have to apologise sir, but its ms. Rune." She says. She could bet she saw Crowleys eyes just pop out on shook. He shook his head in a more agressive manner while Lydia stepped again towards the mirror, placing her hand against it.

"Well this is a sudden change of events. You are fully aware this is an all boys school?" Crowley exclaimed, while Lydia nodded. She was fully aware of that, after all a long time ago she had played the game.

"Well, ms. Rune, wich country even are you from?" Crowley asked. Lydia tilted her head slightly. What could she say? There had been many countries she had lived in. Well the one of her first life held still a special place in her heart. Even though it was more the people she had spend her time with than the actual country itself.
"Europe, Germany." Remembering the game, this was not an existing place in the games world, but she was isekaid anyway, so she fit into what she remembered of the plot perfectly.

"Well, I have never heard of this place before. We should go to the libary, there are information of the homesland from all our students."

°•__The restless__•°

Well long story short. It turned out that Lydia wasn't part of said world. Not like she didn't know that already. At least this character noticed that she isn't some demon and tried to kill her.

"Well, do you have anything with you?" Crowley asks, snapping close the book he was currently reading. Instinctively Lydia checks her robe before shaking her head.
"No I don't have anything." She answers truthfully, before looking around the room tapping her fingers on the wooden surface of the desk in front of her.

"Hmm, this is problematic. This will make sending you back much harder." The Headmaster says. Lydia tries to hold back a sarcastic remark and a long fit of laughter. Sending Lydia home would be impossible, the only way she could travel to a diffrent world would be death. Another death.

She to mentally chuckle. She didn't even believe in death anymore, but what else was to expect? She would have to be reincarnated at least nine times less to believe in eternal rest.

"Well while I can't let a student without magic stay at the academy, my educator heart throbs at the thought of having to toss a penniless kid out in the street like some rat."
The bird man started to walk across the room, humming before perking up. "We have an unused building on campus that you can stay in. It was used as a dorm before, until for unknown reasons it wasn't anymore. It does have a lot of character though..."

The last part was muttered, as if he didn't want the brunette to hear it.
Lydia on the other hand was very exited. A building with lots of character sounded amazing. She preffered it over sleeping on the dirty floor.

°•__The restless__•°

"It has quite a lot of character, I like it." Lydia said, handing Crowley a nod of approval. She had only seen it from the outside and the inside might be even worse, but she wouldn't complain."

"Great isn't it? Come inside than." Pushing the door open and letting her inside, Crowley coughed. He had forgotten in how bad of a condition the dorm was, but he was even more surprised at the fact there wasn't even a spark of disapproval on the brown haired girls face. It bothered him to an extent.

He had noticed how dull her eyes were in comparison to those he saw in those passionate students of his, but this female? She didn't seem to lack anything, all her expressions seemed normal, but it still felt... dull..

"Well, this dorm will serve its purpose of shielding you from the weather. I will go take my leave and do more research now, you might pass the time how you like, but avoid walking around the campus." The Headmaster said, earning a unfocused nod by Lydia.

He left and as soon as he did that, is started to pour, as if someone had patiently waited for him to get outside, only to pour a bucket of water over his head.
Lydia dusted of the couch, sitting down before letting herself drop to the side and cry. It was a silent cry with just tears falling out of her brown eyes. Just like her soul, her whole body was tired and she honestly couldn't handle the fact she must be alive for another life.

A small single rain drop hits her nose and she pushes herself up again. She was in a bad mood and honestly her cheerful demeanour, of "at least she didn't have to sleep outside" was completely gone.

A sudden scream made her jump. "Kyaaa! The rain is going to put my flames out!"
She remembered that shrill voice and as she turns towards the direction of its source she sees grim the cat, that was thrown of campus just an hour ago. She didn't mind the cat and its presence, but curiosity still got the best of her.

"How come your still on campus? Weren't you kicked out?" Lydia asks, while laying down on the couch in a way, that her head was on the floor and her feet dangled over the couch back.

The cat walked up to her, eyeing her as if Lydia was some sort of foreign animal he had never seen before. Not like she wasn't used to it, but it was still getting a bit uncomfortable. She re-positions herself so that she was know sitting upright.

"Sneaking back in was easy, after I was thrown of the school gates. They are wrong if they think they'll get rid of me that easily!" He yelled. The fact he said it was easy to get back onto the school gates concerned the brunette. Like, wouldn't that mean that the safety system of the school was lacking.
She shook her head before looking back at Grim.

"Why are you even so set on going to school, here?" Lydia asked tilting her head, while Grim jumped onto the couch next to her. Starting a speech.

"Because I am more than skilled with my magic and I want to become
the greatest magician in the whole world! I have been waiting for the carriage for a while know, but it never came... So I decided to take matters into my own hands!"

Lydia needed to admit she was impressed by that little cat. It was very brave and confident, but there was a little undertone of sadness while it talked. Lydia new that kind of sadness, often caused by the fact that you have expectations and dreams, but the whole world crushes them and spits on the broken shards.

Another drop of rain let Grim shriek and cover his head. He seemed kinda scared of it.
"We need to stop that leaking! If you use magic you could repair those holes.... oh I forgot! You are a magic less-" before he can continue Lydia had grabbed him by the neck, snatching the blanket of the couch.

"H-hey! What are you doing Human!" Grim yelled while thrashing around in her grip, but Lydia wasn't bothered by it in the slightest. After dying an not so peaceful death 10 times, not even stubing her toe could get an reaction out of her.

After having found a small dry space, Lydia built a sort of nest for Grim, that would protect him from the cold.

"You stay here, kay? I'll try finding a bucket so we don't get a flooded first floor." Before Grim can say anything she has left, but to his suprise there was a very small candle next to him. It wasn't lit and he recognised it was one from the living room. He felt a bit touched by the humans motion, even though he shook of the feeling quite soon, snuggling into the blanket.

°•__The restless__•°



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