prolouge 05

185 7 0

he had the feeling that being on her bad side might cause fire to be set to his college


s Lydia woke up she was on the verge of yelling her soul out of her body. She hadn't slept long, maybe only an hour or so, but the sleep had no effect on her body. She was still tired.

With a moody "na das kann ja heiter werden" she stands up and kicks open the door, only to feel bad about it cause Grim was still sleeping, or had been until the brunette kicked the door.

"Good morning Grim!" She exclaimed, her voice giving away the tiredness she must have been feeling. The cat on the other hand rubs his eyes with confusion.

"But its early evening?" He muttered pointing over to the window and Lydia giggled akwardly. 

"Oh, I must have forgotten that we moved to the dorm in early afternoon." She muttered before running a hand through her hair that was all tangled up. She almost looked like a lion.

She brushed over it, trying to get most of the knots out, following Grim who had made his way downstairs. Lydia was a bit confused on how it seemed that Ramshackle made everything seem dark. But the dusty windows were probably at fault for that.
A loud knock on the door gives Lydia a slight startle, but she is quick to calm down and open it. 

"Oh, sir Crowley! What are you doing here?" She asks rubbing her eyes, her voice low and kinda angry. Grim on the other hand was sitting on the table. The Bird man holds up a small basket filled to the brim with stuff.

"I was so gracious to bring thy dinner!" He smiles stepping into the room, of course not without ruffling his Cape? Jacket? Lydia didn't know how to describe it, but it was clear it had a none existent wind making sure it was always in motion.

"Huh?! What is that violent cat doing here? I thought I had removed it from the campus!" The bird man yells and Lydia stares at him quits dead pan. She stepped between him and the small feline.

"I need him in order to keep ths ghost's at bay." Lydia lies, her brown eyes staring directly into Crowley's masked ones. She really didn't want Grim to be thrown out again.

"G-GHOSTS?!" The cat squeals, but Lydia shoots him a glare that makes him shut up. She had more important things to do than tell him that ghost existed.

"Well ms. Rune, it's great that the cat helps you with the ghost but we can't-" He isn't able to continue. The brunette in front of him had a sudden switch in demeanor. Her tired eyes burning with anger and her back straightened as if she was going to attack him at any given moment. It was weird to see the usually soul lacking eyes look so sparkly.

"I said the cat, STAYS." Lydia stares at Crowley, her voice sounding weirdly torn apart. As if it wasn't only one person using her voice. 

Lydia noticed that she had just again let her anger get the best of her. She takes a deep breath and than looks at Crowley. Her eyes had again becoming soulless with only emptiness staring at Crowley.

"I meant it would be nice to have someone to help me around." She coughed. Before looking at the bird man. In order to let Grim stay she needed to offer something in exchange.

"I would work here so I can sort of pay for all necessities!" She offers, grinning. It was sincere but because she had done it with out a little bit joy in her eyes, it seemed more like she wanted to kill Crowley. 

"Well if you are already offering. I after all have some responsibility as the mirror that has summoned you is owned by me. How about you become a janitor here? You seem to be good at cleaning things!" The bird man says, looking around the room.

Lydia thinks for a second. That man would totally take advantage of all of that and work her to the bone. She looks at Grim, that stares at her with mild confusion in his eyes and smiled, turning her attention back to Crowley.

"That sounds lovely!" Lydia has a content smile resting on her face, that creeped Crowley out. Whatever the deal was with that girl, he had the feeling that being on her bad side might cause fire to be set to his college and he really didn't want that.

Grim growled. "I don't want to be a handyman, I want to wear a flashy uniform and be a student!" He loudly exclaimed and Lydia shook her head. This cat was more ungrateful than she thought.

"Well if thy are going to be ungrateful than I can have thy thrown out again!" Crowley exclaimed, being irked by that rude cat. How dare it to ask for more! He had already let it stay, even though he was persued by the girl to do so.

Grim shivered before letting out a slight chuckle. "Uhh, if that's the only thing we'll have to do I'll gladly comply!" 

Crowley smiled, before leaving telling them they'll have to start working tomorrow morning. 

Lydia sighed, slapping her face, her empty and dull eyes focussing on the lil feline. "I promise that I'll get you promoted, but please play along for a little while okay?"

She seems a bit sad and Grim feel a bit guilty. She had rearranged the furniture, let him have the bed and even made Crowly let him stay! She was truly an amazing henchman and how did he repay that dept? By making it even worse?

"No Henchman! You have done enough already! I'll earn my place as a student in this college!" Grim proudly exclaimed, before looking at the small basket. The smell that was coming out of there was something he knew way to well, but there was one more question he had to ask.

"By the way henchman, what about those ghosts?"

°•__The restless__•°



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