Prologue 09

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Grim was in the cafeteria doing the zoomis.


ce was beyond furious. Stomping with one of his feet he scoffed: "I can't believe that cat made me take his place!" Lydia just rolled her eyes and started walking. The orange haired male, still throwing a very small tantrum didn't even notice that. Lydia chuckled to herself.

"Deuce, could I have my shoe back?" She asks, holding her hand out. Just now the boy noticed he was still holding onto the combat boot. He akwardly nodded, giving it back to Lydia. 

The brunette quickly put on both of her shoes, now looking taller than before. She looks over to the exit with a soft chuckle, wich she hid behind a cough. Grim probably sprinted of and since he probably had no idea how to use one of these mirrors, the exit was the only way he could gone through.

"Oi, Juice help us catch that fur ball!" Ace suddenly exclaims, causing Deuce to be irritated. He looked at Ace a slight angry glint fluttering through his eyes.
"IT'S DEUCE! NOT JUICE!" He yells loudly, but Ace brushes his complains off with a flick of his fingers and a look towards the exit. 

"I don't care! You have to help us, squirrel can't use magic after all!" Deuce looks at Lydia in shook, the brunette just nodding with tired eyes. There is a small fling of recognition zooming through Deuces blue eyes.

"Wait, aren't you the students that caused the entrance ceremony ruckus?" Lydia nods with a sigh. This would probably haunt her for the rest of the year, luckily she was to tired ti care about such a trivial matter. Getting Grim back here was more important. Knowing Grim, he could probably piss of some other students and the last thing Lydia wanted was to see the grey cat beat up.
"Let's go, we got a cat to catch!"

°•__The restless__•°


rim was in the cafeteria doing the zoomis, while Lydia and the tweedles (she decided that this name was rather fitting) chased after him. Usually Lydia would have thrown another shoe, but she didn't want to harm Grim. 

"Damn! He is fast!" Ace says, before bumping into a student, causing him to almost drop his plate. Lydia catches it before it could hit the floor. Luckily it was empty so no wasted food. She pushes it into the arms of the student that had dropped it, apologising on Aces behalf, before sprinting off.

"You won't be able to catch me. IDIOTS!" Grim yelled, starting to climb up the chandelier. Lydia yawned, all this running around had drained her and the only thing she wanted to do was sleep.

Before Ace and Deuce could do something stupid she tapped both of them on their shoulders. "Let's leave him up there. If he doesn't want to help that's fine, we won't help him come down there than."

Ace looked at Lydia as if she'd grown two heads, before looking up at Grim that stared at them confused. He finally understood and turned around with a scoff. He would have preferred to bully that cat down from the chandelier, but if the brunette thought their plan would work he could just play along.

"H-hey! Where are you three going?" Grim suddenly yells. He hadn't noticed just how high up that chandelier was. He regretted climbing up there now. Lydia looked at him with a tired smile.

"Well you said you won't help us, wich means we won't force you. I can't run after you forever." She turned around ready to leave before Grim suddenly shrieked: "Alright! I'll help henchman."

Lydia shoot Ace an "I told you" look with her face, before stepping under the chandelier with a smile holding her arms out, not minding the fact the students around her started to stare at her weirdly.

Grim jumps down from the chandelier, accidentally loosening it up. Lydia catches the feline, before noticing that the chandelier was looked lower than before. The branches were broken. 

She started to run to the side, pushing Ace and Deuce along in the process, before the chandelier came tumbling down.

"Is anyone hurt?" She asks, the soulless eyes having a worried glint in them. Ace nodded. Deuce looked af the chaos they had caused with a sigh. How had it come to this? "Yeah, I think I am alright, but we should leave before the Headmaster comes." Deuce mumbles under his breath.

"I heard me being mentioned?" Speaking of the devil, there was the bird man with an extravagant hand motion. Lydia sighed lowering her head, blinking once or twice. She really needed to sleep soon. Though it wouldn't help, would it? 

The Headmaster comes into the cafeteria immediately clasping his hands over his head. It was almost like every where the person from another world went, chaos followed. "Just what have you all been doing!?" 

Lydia took a slightly protective stance in front of Grim and the tweedles, though it wasn't obvious. The Headmaster looked Lydia directly into her brown eyes.
"So, not only did you burn one of the great statues, but also destroyed one of the chandeliers?" He could look at everyone, but Lydia was the only one looking directly at him. The others just looked to the floor or the side, making it seem as if only Lydia was part of the conversation.

"I apologise Headmaster. I have neglected my duty of watching over Grim. I'll do anything possible to pay for the damages." The apology sounded dry because of how emotionless it was. At the same time she took the complete blame for the broken chandelier.

"That won't be possible. The chandelier was powered by a powerful mage stone, wich broke during the fall. Repairing it would cost a billion madol." Lydia sighs, of course something like that would happen to her. Suddenly Ace spoke up. "Can't we do anything else?" 

Crowley hummed. Lydia was a very intresting person. What at first could be seen as a kind and humble nature, became slightly mocking. Just because of her emotionless voice. 

"There is an old mine around here that used to have such stones. I heard it also still holds a few stones, despite it having been shut down a while ago." 

Lydia sighs, she would probably have to go there. Mentally she calculates how many windows each of them had to clean, coming to the fact it would be 33 for each of them. "Well, Grim and I should get going. Ace you can already do your share of 33 windows."

There is light cackling coming from Ace, before he looks Lydia directly into her eyes. "You're trying to cheat us out of an adventure? Nu-uh not happening. Why should I clean windows when I can come with you collecting image stones!"

°•__The restless__•°



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