Prologue 07

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If laughing helps inflate your non-existent ego, laugh as much as you want.


W-what?" Lydia mentally blue screens hearing the orange haired boy say that. Grim is just as suprise as the brunette and the boy starts laughing. 

"AHAHA! I can't hold it in anymore!" He was littarly crouching from all the laughing. "You guys are the ones that wrecked harvoc during the entrance ceremony, right?" He looks Lydia up in down wiping a few laughing tears out of his eyes. 

"You who was called upon by the dark mirror but can't use magic and that cat that went there even though it wasn't invited! Man, Hahaha, it was so hard not to burst out laughing during the ceremony!" The orange haired guy says, looking at Lydia now. The brunette was staring at him blankly, as if she didn't care before shrugging.

"What do you need? If laughing helps inflate your non-existent ego, laugh as much as you want, but I have more important things to do than listen to a kid that needs to cover up his insecurities by making fun of those who lack something you define a "needed quality"." With that Lydia turns around, leaving the boy quite shocked. It surprised him that the brunette said that with a face so tired she looked like she could fall asleep any second.

Grim flicked his tail, about to go after Lydia, but the orange haired boy doesn't want to back down that easily. "HUH? What are you saying? You didn't even manage to become a student! You two are just some handyman!" 

Lydia wanted to just drop the conversation, but Grim on the other hand was in a fighting stance his ears played on, growling quietly. "Choose your words wisely stupid human!" 

Lydia would have probably taken Grim by the collar and pulled him out of the fight, if she hadn't been so tired. If she wasn't tired she would have punched Ace in the face, but her soul and body are tired and weak. She had stopped breaking off fights after her fith reincarnation, realising what she did had no use.

"Who are you calling stupid? You don't even know the great seven, so your the one to talk!" The boy has a glare in his eyes that he shoots at Lydia who conquers said stare with a deadpan one of her own. 

Ace didn't know what to think about the person in front of him. They looked like someone that could drop on the floor and sleep a hundred years and still be tired. Their messy hair looked like it hasn't seen a comb in a while, eyes that lacked emotions and they probably could handle being rosted by  five different people with only an slight blink.

"I HAVE ENOUGH OF THAT GUY!" Grim yells, starting to take a deep breath and "FUU" blue flames brush past Ace and Lydia, with the latter just taking a swift step to the side. 

"EEK! Hey! That's dangerous! What the hell are you doing?" The orange haired male exclaims, pointing aggressively at the Cat looking at Lydia who simply shrugged it off. She couldn't careless.

"It's because you made fun of us! I'll make your explosion-head even more exploded." Lydia wanted to let Grim just do his thing, but she knew that if Crowley found out about Lydia not controlling the familiar properly he would throw both of them out of the school.

"Ha! You got guys to pick a fight with me!" Ace yells a smirk on his face, that annoys Lydia. Why smirk when it makes his face so ugly? She ran a hand through her hair making it fluff, just how was she going to stop this fight?

The blue flames that Grim send towards Ace, were being redirected by the orange haired kid, once almost accidentally brushing Lydia. Grim, despite pretending not to do so, blocked any attack that went even close to harming Lydia.

"Is there a fight?"

"Nice! Get 'em!"

A few students started to watch the fight unfold while Lydia tries to make sure everyone would stay out of reach from the flames, once even pulling a lavender haired student to the side who was just a bit to close to one of Grims attacks.

The fight gets worse and the smoke from the flames can now be tasted in the air, the temperature having also raised in an exact circle around Grim, the air flickering. Lydia needed to break the fight of now, but she might wouldn't have to do that. The statuette of the queen of Hearst is charred, ash covering its face.

"AHH! Crap! The queen of hearts statue is burned black!" The orange haired boy exclaims, while Grim just stares at him angrily. 

"That ones on you! You changed the direction of the flames, that wouldn't have happened if you just got burned obediently!" The grey cat exclaims. Lydia was a bit more focused on ths statue. It didn't seem damaged, only that it had a bit of fire residue on its face. She could clearly  that right before Crowley would come around and-

"HEY! What's all that racket?" There he was, the Headmaster, puffing up his coat that swayed in a soft breeze, that only existed for the Headmasters coat. Ace was taken off guard by the sudden arrival of that man.

"Ugh, it's the Headmaster." He scoffed. Lydia just stared at him, didn't he know that the Headmaster could throw him out of this school? She started to look to the floor, her fists still clenched, though she didn't know why. 

She focused her attention on the statue, shifting her head from one shoulder to the other. The statuette was quite tall and thick and by the way it looked not an empty shell. She must be out of massive stone. Lydia was fully aware she wasn't a lightweight and that this could go terribly wrong, but not doing anything about that charred face felt wrong too.

Quickly she grabbed the bucket she had taken with her from Ramshackle, filled with a few cleaning supplies. She walked over to the statue ignoring the Headmasters asks, of what she is planning. 

During her many reincarnations she had learned something about herself that was quite impressive. She had a very good muscle memory. Her head might have forgotten what she had done most of the time in her past life, but her body remembered every single skill she had once possessed. Okay, not every but quite a lot.

"If I remember what Koro-sensei taught me correctly and I combine it with the knowledge from my past life in my hero academia, I shouldn't have any problems climbing up there." She muttered under her breath, jumping onto the stone the Queen was standing on. Lydia grinned making her way over the dress, sitting down on the shoulders of the queen, as if the brunette had been given a piggyback ride.

Headmaster Crowley almost started screaming as he saw that, just now he had been busy lecturing Ace and Grim, not having noticed that Lydia had stolen herself away until he was asking if all three had understood the punishment. Ace also stared at the person on the statue, thinking the boy was just going to be a nuisance. Until he saw the brunette quite littarly jumping on the queen of hearts statue!

Lydia's deadpan expression didn't match her friendly smile, as she started talking to the statue as if it was a human being.

"I apologise my Queen, I need to clean the ash of your pretty face, I hope you don't mind me using your shoulders as a temporary seat!" With those words the brunette started to clean the Ash of the statues face, before climbing down. She swore the expression of the statue had changed from a scornful frown to a content smile after Lydia was finished, but it could have been the light of course.

°•__The restless__•°



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