Prologue 11

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Leave your high school humor in the drafts of your brain, understood?


he Monster seems to be taken of guard by the fact that none of the people in front of it want to budge or leave. It doesn't have a face but it's clear that it dislikes that.
"LEEAAAVE!" It yells one more time, before launching an attack. The group that had huddled together escapes into many different directions. Lydia was running behind Grim, kinda as if she wanted to shield him.

Deuce was sending a counter attack towards the monster, but it doesn't even bother with it, nor look affected. Ace scoffed. "If you can't do anything mister Perfect you should step to the side and let real mages handle the situation!" 

Lydia doesn't meddle with unnecessary stuff, like attacking without plan. She had died often enough to know that attacking a monster that was clearly stronger than you without a plan, was a way to send you straight to the heavens above.

The monsters movements where sluggish, it probably wouldn't be able to handle attacks that came from to diffrent sides, or came from people that where way faster than it. She tilts her head, Ace and Deuce causing a pretty good distraction. The monster might lack agility, but it's raw strength made up for that. It's size did too.

Suddenly Deuce yells: "It's glowing other there!" Lydia snaps her head towards the direction and Deuce was right. There was in deed a soft glittering. The monster didn't seem to like that. 

Lydia charges over to Ace and Deuce, Grim fastly following. Barely the three escape an attack. "We need to get out of here, we can't win right know." 

Ace and Deuce of course complain about it. But Lydia doesn't let that get to her. If this Idiots continued to act so recklessly they might die and dying isn't fun, not at all. Especially getting crushed is uncomfortable.

°•__The restless__•°


What the hell was that?" Ace pants after they had run far away enough. Lydia just shrugs with a slight scoff. There was rage starting to bubble up in her chest, slowly consuming and wandering through each of her nerves. This was the first most vivid emotion she felt ever since arriving her. It wasn't numbed, it was there in the flesh and it felt amazing.

That stupid bird man! How dare he send all of them into life costing danger, over some magic crystal. He could have told them in advance. What if Ace, Deuce or Grim had gotten seriously hurt? She swore to whatever deity there was she would go for his head the next time she saw Crowley.

While Lydia was spacing out, Ace and Deuce had already continued talking. "It didn't look like a normal ghost." Deuce muttered under his breath, while Ace suddenly stomped with his foot.

"Let's give up and go home. I'd rather be thrown out of school than get beat up by that monster!" Ace yelled, while Deuce dramatically shook his head. Lydia decided to just watch and listen.

"Well you do what you want, but that's no option for me! I'd rather die, than get kicked out of this school." His attention turned towards Lydia and his feet shuffles in the grass. "I have seen a crystal and I will get it!" 

Ace starts laughing. "Hah! For someone's that worse in magic than me you're pretty full of yourself. Well doesn't matter, I am leaving!" 

The orange haired male was about to leave until Deuce points at him. "Ohh, is that so? Well than hide in a corner like the spineless coward you are!" 

Lydia and Ace look at eachother baffled. They didn't expect that but well. Lydia goes back to just observe trying to hold back the rage that was continuing to bubble through her veins like lava. It was pleasant to finally have a none numbed down emotion, but she felt like she was going to explode any second and that wouldn't help anyone. She needed to reserve that rage for Crowley.

"Huh? Who are you calling a Coward!" Ace angrily scoffed, eying Deuce weirdly. Grim on the other hand looks at Deuce in confusion. The grey cat had been silent through the last few minutes which worried Lydia.

"You completely changed character there Deuce!" The grey feline laughed out making Deuce flush red in embarrassment, apologising quietly. "I apologise, I lost my cool for a second there."

Lydia looks at the two, before suddenly asking: "Can't you just use magic and BAM?" Se muttered earning a two shaking heads and a scoff from Ace. They both start to explain how magic isn't something you can just learn by a snap and it takes years to train. That causes Lydia to think.

Deuce suddenly straightened his back and claps his hands together. "Well enough chit-chat, I'll be getting this magic crystal now and defeat this monster." Ace just roles his eyes before looking at Deuce.

"Oh please! Your magic is better and the fact you didn't even manage to land a single hit on that monster proves you're a total idiot. And now you want to fight that stupid monster? I bet it'll end just like beforehand." Ace giggles. Lydia on the other hand starts to feel annoyed in top of that rage. She starts rubbing her temples in order to calm down.

"Hey what are you..!" Lydia can already see an argument happening and the rage starts to become unbearable. Can't they just stop bickering for a few minutes? Do they have to fight over everything? It's so annoying.

Grim is the only one to notice to notice Lydia's change in demeanor. The usually so soulless person was starting to radiate off very weird energy. She was starting to have some ominous vibe blubber around her


Ace and Deuce turn towards the brunette. They looked like an authority figure ready to hand their assess to them.

"We have better things to do, let's plan what to do together and get that darn crystal. I already have an idea." She doesn't give them the ability to complain or say anything else. Ace wants to say something stupid, but Grim shoots him a glare.

"Alright listen. The monster is big in size so-" Lydia starts, earning a chuckle from Ace. "It's got a big size." He repeats with a soft snicker. She slaps the Back of his head.
"Leave your high school humor in the drafts of your brain, understood?"

°•__The restless__•°


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