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Hello There People this is my First Story So Please do Help me By Giving Constructive Criticism, also As this is my first Fanfic I hope I don't Mess Up the Story and It can go fluidly, so anyways, Enjoy!

This Chapter is in Ash's POV (Except The Flashback)


Today was The Day 

The Day

For Which

I have been waiting for 4 years...

I was leaving a Prison, I knew I would never come back, and I had finally saved up Enough money to Buy a Plane ticket for a Region far away. Money Which Belonged to my Mother. Something I don't want to use, or Keep...

My Mother...

I was never acknowledged by that woman, I mean, I should have been right? I guess? I think that is how it works? I don't know, I probably never will...

She didn't particularly despise me actually, But I definitely did; Whenever I went to the Park, I would see Mothers affectionately loving their Children, But this Woman was Different. She never even looked at me. What did I ever do to her? I only heard in Rumors, from Whispering Adults, from snickering kids, and from pitying Elders.

My Father had Died, and My Mother couldn't Look at me because 'I reminded her of her late Husband', In my Opinion it was a Pathetic excuse to push me away.

Her Negligence however, Forced myself to take a Stand. A Stand for myself. Not to rebel and argue with her. But to Help myself. It all started when I was five.


A Young Boy wakes up as the warm sunlight kisses his soft Lightly tanned Skin. He stirs slowly as the rays of light start to dance around his room as the sun slowly rises higher in the sky. His Auburn Eyes showing a glint of hopefulness, but were almost totally cold.

He freshens up slowly, something he was forced to learn recently. He Yawns and goes downstairs, Hoping to find some Breakfast on the Dinner table. His Mother usually leaves it on the dinner table; with a heavy sigh at the thought of his Mother, He walks to the Table to find Nothing. He was beyond surprised, This was too much; It was really getting out of hand. 

He suddenly got extremely emotional, Tears welling up in his innocent eyes, How could his mother do this to Him? Tears were on the verge of falling off his lower eyelids; This was a first. But His frantic eye movements eventually caused his tearful gaze to land on a Piece of Paper lying on the floor. It read 'Never Give Up Till Its Over', As if a sudden fire ignited within him, He suddenly remembered something. It was in his faintest Memories. A blur of a tall figure, saying that same line, It felt so foreign... yet so Familiar; The voice felt firm and comforting, comforting with the love and firm with bravery and confidence. 

His doubts were suddenly cleared, He wouldn't give up, Never ever. Whatever it takes. His Father's voice echoing in his head. His mother had given up on him, but He couldn't give up on his own life due to his terrible Mother.

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