Breaking Titles at The Battle Chateau

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A Gentle breeze stroked the Raven Hair of a young Pokemon trainer, his thick messy hair swayed in the wind. His sun-kissed skin shimmering ever so slightly under the warmth of daylight. His eyes were closed, he had a stoic and determined expression. 

The Boy inhaled and exhaled deeply. His eyelids fluttered open, a Passionate glow in his Auburn eyes, a Brave Aura surrounding him. A few leaves flew past him, as he looked ahead, His path was visible to him, and the Place where his new quest begins, was a few footsteps ahead.

Ash looked at the towering Manor ahead of him, This is where he will begin his Journey to becoming the strongest, His new quest, His new goal.

The Medieval Castle renowned across Kalos for It's highly skilled and high Caliber trainers.

A Relic of the Ancient Kalosian times, Established by the Great Sir Aaron himself.

The Battle Chateau.

On it's Doors, was Inscribed :

"For those who have the courage to Exhibit and Celebrate their Strength."

Ash pushed the gates with a great force, they swung with a low metallic creak, Allowing him to get a greater view of the glorious Battle Chateau and it's majestic and well-maintained Royal gardens. He sensed the fresh wisps of flowery aroma, coming from the various flower plantations of the Garden.

"So, The quest begins..." He informed himself. He picked out a Pokeball from his belt, It reflected the cloud scattered sunlight over its curved and blunt surface, a small spot of white forming over it's light Red hemispherical surface. He tightened his grip on the ball, exerting a firm pressure over it, much like his desire to control the Powers within him.

He had to get stronger, To protect all he loved, and the first step to achieving strength, was, to conquer the Ranks of the Old Institution.


'Good luck Ash, Go win everything over!' Serena encouraged him. Ash glanced at her with a small yet soft smile towards her. Serena's cheek's tinted pink as She waved him to the Battle field ahead.

He went over to his side of the Battle field, While an aspiring new trainer named Chester went over to his side of the Field.

'This Battle between Chester of Camphrier Town and Ash Ketchum of Pallet Town is for the Title of Baron. The Winner will be welcomed by Duke Turner as the new Baron of the Chateau.' Explained the Referee, with some Hand gestures. He pointed to Duke Turner who was the owner of the Chateau as the one who will Knight the next Baron.

Chester grinned, He was ecstatic for the battle and was looking for a swift victory over his opponent. Ash however, was battling to win, looking for every opportunity to get stronger; Somewhere in his heart, however, he was battling for enjoyment.

Chester roughly pulled a Pokeball from the Pocket of his Orange hoodie. He kissed his Pokeball and launched it his Pokeball high, came out a small Robin-like Pokemon, with a Red head, with small button eyes with a shimmer, a tiny yet sharp beak, a gray lowered body and wings, It had thin and long black legs as well as a black Feathered tail with a wide v shaped stripe.

The Ashes of SerenityTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon