A Pokevision Debut

181 11 23

Enjoy Guys!


Ash walked in through the automatic doors leading inside from the dusty Battle field, recently destroyed from his hefty training session. He took his strides inwards with a white towel draping over his shoulders, it was swaying slightly, due to the speed of his movements.

He moved his head from one side to another, scanning the room for any sight of his sweetheart, He sighed deeply when he found none, he proceeded to the breakfast section to pickup his well deserved food to kick start his day.

Ash handed over his four Pokeballs to Nurse Joy for healing, and then went to the canteen counter. 'Morning! I'd like a breakfast for two.' He said enthusiastically, the woman on the counter nodded and smiled kindly at the young boy.

Before She could question the boy, He answered her question.

'I'd like a Oran berry Juice and Honey Waffles meal for myself, and a Watmel Juice with Maple syrup coated Pancakes for my friend, and could please pack it up as well?' Ash requested politely, He was in a very bright mood today, only a tad bit saddened not being able to find Serena in the lounge. The middle aged woman went inside a room taking two black boxes with a transparent lid inside the room, Ash guessed it was the kitchen, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

Soon the lady returned with the requested food choices of the young trainer, She placed them on the counter and shifted her attention to the screen of the cashier. Ash watched her swiftly type in some words, After which She soon turned to Ash with a glowing smile plastered upon her face.

She pushed the two containers, whose contents could be seen through the transparent plastic lid covering the food. 'Here you go, the money has been added to your due list for your endorsement to pay, enjoy the meal and have a great day ahead!' She chirped happily. Ash chuckled and thanked her, picking up the plates and moving to the stairs, opting to get some workout instead of lazily travelling to the third floor using the elevator.

After a swift 3 minute climb, he rushed through the corridors looking for room number 305. 'Hmmm, 301.... 302.... 303.... 304.... 305.... AHA!' He smiled slightly as he put one plate on top of another, so that he could knock on the door, again, in an awfully good mood today.

After his signature 1 - 2 - 2 knock, he heard footsteps approaching the door, He soon heard the clicking noise of the lock unlocking from the inside, He was intently looking up at a blank spot on the brown wooden door, soon the door swung open and he was mesmerized by the sight of two beautiful shining cerulean blue orbs, who were gazing into his chestnut ones.

Serena looked like she had just woken, she was groggily blinking and her long her were still a mess, there was a red bow tied to her forehead and she was lazily slumping forwards while holding the corner of the door.

She rubbed her right eye and yawned loudly, before blinking four times and finally registering the boy standing in front of her. He had a wide toothy grin stamped on his face, stretching ear to ear. For a moment, he stared at her, chuckling slightly at her condition; He earned an annoyed groan as Serena began to walk away again, He suddenly stopped his teasing and held the door about to slam on his face.

'Hey I'm sorry! Wait for me Serena!' He exclaimed, he was struggling slightly, Serena was still half asleep so She paid no mind. 'Oh come on Serena! Help me here...' He said, this time Serena turned and looked at Ash with a goofy expression, She swept off the breakfast boxes from his hands and put them on the table in their room.

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