Mega Revelations

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(Korrina POV)

"How in the world is Clemont going faster than me today, he seems more excited than I am... Well this does mean he is more fun... Heh." Korrina chuckled at the thought of her shy boyfriend suddenly acting up and being super energetic, meeting her own style and nature.

It wasn't his fault though, he wasn't comfortable in showing affection towards her in public places, that was also partly because of how protective he was to anyone who he loved. Clemont commented how it was a rare sight to see me lagging behind him.

'Yea it really is odd isn't cutie pie?' I said in a mushy tone, a faint pink creeped on his cheeks as he looked at me. I was reminiscing the time he used to be extremely shy, I found it very adorable when he was flushed at the slightest romantic remark.

'I think I have to agree with you there K... Let's keep looking, we are already pretty deep into the cave, why don't you send out Lucario? I think he can help Luxray a bit.' He suggested, he is such a sweetheart, I love it when he calls me "K" and he is such a gentleman, very mature for our age, and he always keeps supporting me.

'You're right Clemmy. Alright Lucario come on out and help Luxray.' My Ace popped out of his red and white capsule in a flash of blueish-white light, he pumped his fist in the air and ran a few paces ahead of me, Clemont and Luxray jumped over a large rock, followed by my Lucario.

I was about to jump up as well, when I saw his hand stretch out forwards towards me. I saw his fairly smooth skin which had his fate lines stretching from one corner to the other. He spoke in the most charming tone, which of course was his normal voice, but to me it sounded like an angel was speaking to me.

'Let me help you up, milady.' He smiled brightly, I blushed slightly and carefully slid my hand against his in a fluid motion, no noticeable friction was present between our touches, and it truly felt wonderful. I spoke in a hushed voice, only so that he could hear.

'Sure, my knight in shining armor.' He shot a faintly amused look towards me before turning his face back into his extremely adorable smile. He tugged me up with considerable strength, Man this guy has been going to the gym; well I mean, the other kind of gym. He was so much stronger than the last time he tugged on me, which was a few months ago, as he is very gentle while handling all the matters related to me.

He was so strong that I landed straight into his arms. However, instead of letting me getting hurt, he swiftly and strongly wrapped his hands around my back. His grip was firm but very comfortable and warm. My body pressed against his and I melted into the embrace just as quickly as it began, I can confidently say he is way more physically fit now, as my left arm slipped by accident over his smooth blue jumpsuit, and, oh boy, what muscles.

The two of us continued to linger in that comfortable warm embrace of ours, I could hear his heartbeats from his heart pounding within his chest. Over the past year or so, he had skyrocketed in his height, and now he was much taller than me, which I did envy slightly, as for the most of our time in our relationship, and before, I was always much taller than this Handsome Hunk wearing round glasses.

He slowly rubbed my back and let go, while also causing me to break off. I groaned big time, why couldn't the two of us be together for longer. He chuckled slightly at my annoyed response and stroked my sliver blonde hair. I looked into his crystal blue eyes, and he looked into my sky blue ones, he gently pulled my head, and kissed my forehead.

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