Parts of our Pasts

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Lets start this unique chapter!
Sorry for the late Update


Sub-Chapter 1 : Promises of Love

Viridian Forest (XI:X AM Kanto Standard Time)

A young girl with a cream straw hat wrapped with a pink ribbon tied in a bow stumbled across a grassy opening, Her confidence was something reminiscent of a shattered Porcelain pot, Her Aura radiated sadness and pain, her face was forlorn, and her eyes were a harboring two small ponds of aqua, ponds which were blurring her vision. 

Lost, She was, Driven away from the parade of fellow campers by boredom and disinterest. Regret, was among one of the larger emotions that swirled in her heart. Her frail legs and skinny arms were distinctly visible in her casual sleeveless pink gown. A lonely, afraid and broken child, who was wandering by herself, in a forest ridden with "Monsters", weren't the correct recipe for stabilizing the very unstable mind of this child.

Soon, she heard rustling from a tall shrub from behind her back, a small yelp and a stumble later, She found herself with a scraped knee, fallen on the grass leaning on one arm for support. The rustling continued, until a baby Poliwag jumped out of the bush, landing a meter away from her. The odd creature gave her a short glance, before hopping away into the wilds of the forest.

A stunned girl was who was left behind, she began sliding down the descents of greater misery, now her initial pool of breezes suddenly flaring up into winds of hopelessness. All this poor young soul could think, was of the one who could bring her safety, even if She hated her; As of now, the only thing she wanted, was the safety of her Mother. 

The simmering whirlwinds of negativity emotion reached a boil, and the Forest soon heard a loud squeak from the weak girl, after inaudible whispers she spoke to herself.

'I knew I shouldn't have come here, I knew this wasn't a good idea...'

'MOMMY!' She cried, unable to contain the small ponds of water below her eyes, distraught easily found on her face. Once again, the Rustling began, The girl jumped backwards in great fear, "If that Poliwag was running away... That means there must be a--" She widened her eyes, her heart was suddenly beating ten times faster, She shed tears of remorse, closing her eyes, in terror of the worst.

That was all until....

'Poliwag?' She shot her eyes open, an innocent boy with Tanned skin, Raven black hair, wearing a yellow tank top designed with a red Pokeball symbol, and simple blue cargo shorts. She saw him scan the clearing for the signs of the escaping Pokemon. His eyes soon laid upon her, however the girl turned her head down, a sense of peace washed upon her, At least She was safe with another fellow Human being.

He didn't know why, but within her, he felt he could converse with this fellow young soul. 'Hey there! What are you doing here?' He asked, in a very friendly manner, a very uncommon feat for him, His voice and body were betraying him, It was different, somehow...

'My knee hurts. I can't stand...' Another odd sense of relief washed over, an increasingly strange chain of events between the two occurring, uncommon, distinct, and odd...

'Here, this will help.' He said, kneeling near the girl, pulling out a light blue handkerchief, folding it with a long crease, proceeding to tightly and swiftly wrap it around the damaged knee. 'There, try to stand up now!' a wide grin covering his face. Serena tried to stand up, but sadly failed.

'Hmm... I know! There is a good luck charm! Pain, Pain, Go Away!' He made some wavy and mystical gestures with his hands, She could swear she saw a faint blue hovering between her knee and his hands. The knee did feeling much better, but not enough to allow her to stand.

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