Chapter 7

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I lost motivation, plus my phone broken so half of the screen is paralyzed😭💔
But anygays


Y/N pov

As my luggage is placed in the truck of one of my father's many gleaming black cars, my driver Mr. Wang opens the door of the backseat for me. I let out a weak thank you and hurry into the car. A part of me is so incredibly happy that I'm out of that house, I hated it. I hated my father. But nevertheless another part of me was going to miss it, the nights I cried myself to sleep in my room, the dinner I was allowed to eat with my mother once or twice a month. I miss my mother. Father said that if I was around my mother for too long she wouldn't love me. But I knew that wasn't true. She wanted to see me. Mr. Wang got into the driver's seat and began driving me to the hotel. I believe it was called the Yellow Wood Luxury resorts and hotels. My mind was in ties as we slowly drive away from my old home. The only thing I can think of as I walk away from my childhood is one of the only times I ever saw my mother cry. (My father had drank an oceans worth of liquor prior because my Uncle Nam had died two day ago.) He had hit my mother with a glass bottle and she was covered in blood. My father was heading towards me with such a passionate hatred. He was about to swing at me when my mother got Infront of me to block the transaction. I hid in my room for the rest of the night. Later my mother came into my room, I was no older than 8 years of age. She looked at me straight in my eyes, still however covered in blood and a broken nose,: " I love you so much darling, my baby girl. I love you so so much. If apa ever tells you I don't love you don't believe him okay sweetie? Eomma loves you very much. If I die don't be sad okay and be a very good girl my love." But back then I didn't understand the complexity of what she was saying. It wasn't until much later, when I finally understood what kind of a world I lived did I understand. Finally, the eternity of waiting came to a bittersweet end. Mr. Wang came out of the car and opened my door for me. I stepped out while Mr. Wang grabbed my luggage from the trunk. We were greeted at the entrance of the hotel by Felix and some other man I had never seen before. "Ms. Song Y/N sonice to see you again." Felix let out. "Yes nice to see you again." I said while plastering a smile on my features. I look to the side of Felix and face that man.
He is about an inch taller than me (he was pretty short ngl). He was BUFF. He has a sharp v shaped jawline and a cute button nose. And a pair of think, sleek silver glasses.
"And you are?" I said still with a smile. "Seo Changbin" I bow to him and he returns the etiquette. Mr. Wang hands Changbin my luggage, and faces me and bows. Just before I bow back he says to me:"Good luck Young Miss." Then leaves before I can bid him good bye. I have mixed emotions and that comment for some odd reason made me so much more scared.
Changbin placed himself behind me, and Felix Infront of me when suddenly two men in black suits and black glasses got on either side of me. It was a sort of protection circle thingy ky. We all walked forward and lead me to a room. IT WAS A PRESIDENTIAL SUITE. The room was huge, and unlike the name the room colors were white black and burgundy, not yellow. And the floors were made with bark brown hardwood. It was absolutely stunning. Back then I wasn't allowed out, this was all so new to me. "Wow!" I let out. I heard Felix softly chuckle. "Here's my number, call me on the phone that's by that coffee table if you need Anything. Chan will come later to check on you. And you are not to leave this room for any circumstances unless...Chan tells you to." Felix said. When he said Chan was going to come, I felt nothing but pure gut wrenching fear. I was terrified. What is he did something to me? Felix completely bursted my bubble.
Soon after, all the men had left my room. I saw two of them station themselves out side of my door. (The ones in black suits) I plopped down on "my" bed. I hadn't changed yet so I got up and ruthlessly forced myself to get up, wash up, and change. I changed into a thin silk nightgown with spaghetti straps, and a really short pair of shorts made of the same material underneath.

 I changed into a thin silk nightgown with spaghetti straps, and a really short pair of shorts made of the same material underneath

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(Some thing like this but black.)

It looks quite reveling but I had forgotten the fact that Chan was coming over. I plopped myself down on the bed again. I was to tired to even lay down right or cover myself. The lights thank God, I turned them off after I changed. Finally I dosed off.

BangChans Pov
1:45 AM

I just got off the phone with Felix.
I was going to go check on my fiance, when I heard a loud bang coming from her room. I rushed in there hand on my gun when I saw her on the floor. My heart sank and I was so enraged. I almost felt tears drip down my face. She was...


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