Chapter 14

567 14 9

Um ok.


"You ready to go?" BangChan says as he walks down the stairs. He is wearing a beige knitted sweater with a dark creme colored trench coat and black pants. "Yes." I say quickly. "C'mon now then" he reply's. He signals for me to follow him, and I oblige. He opens the door for me and I give him a simple smile. He steps out of the door and locks it. We walk to his car. He then opens the door for me. "Thank you, Chan" I say with a slight bow. He simply nods and gets in the car himself. I find it quite odd that he's driving and not one of his many drivers. "Were are we going?" I ask as he starts the car. "Well it's a surprise love," he says bluntly while driving out of the driveway. Love? He doesn't even know me. I say nothing back. The first few minutes of the car ride were silent. "Turn on the radio, your so quiet." He says before chuckling. I turn on the radio. Friends by Chase Atlantic starts playing, (stop bc I literally love this song😔) I hum the lyrics to myself. BangChan starts singing the lyrics. "You like this song." He let out. "Love it" I reply. I then start to sing the lyrics along with him. "Heart on your sleeve like you've never been loved " we both sing. I turn the radio up .I'm practically screaming the lyrics. He is too. His voice is so soothing, so angelic.
By the time the song finishes we arrived at a parking lot. "Put this on" he says while handing me a black mask. I put the mask on and he puts an identical mask on. "C'mon" he says reaching out his hand. I grab it hesitantly. "Were are we?" I say. "A library" he reply's. A library that's weird. I didn't think he was the type of man to like reading. You keep surprising me Chan. "Why a library?" I finally let out. "What do you not like reading?" He says.  "No I do, but you don't seem like you would." I say trying not to seem rude. I don't know what kind of man he is, one mistake and I could die. I have to remember my place. He just smiles. We finally reach the door and he opens it. The library seems empty. " I rented it for us. " He says walking in. "Follow me" he says taking my hand in his again. "Okay, now I'm gonna put this blindfold on you." He says. He finally does and grabs my hand again. After about five minutes of walking he leads me to the back of the library. "Take the blindfold off." He says breaking the silence. He set up a little table with flowers and candles, and two dishes of seaweed soup(it's the season guys😼, my aunty is gonna make some for me I'm so excited 😈) "wow this is, amazing, you did all this for me?" I say tearing up. No one had ever done something this nice for me, ever. "But why? You don't even know me." I say as a tear falls from my eye. "Because, 'he says standing in front of me wiping my tears and cupping my face' I don't want you to be afraid of me, I'm your husband now. I want you to love me." He says. I stare at him straight in his eyes, I scan for any hint of a lie. I don't find any. " I don't know how to love, I don't know what love feels like, I don't know if I can love." I say letting out a few more tears.He deserves someone who can do all the things I can't."I'm so sorry." I say trying my best to calm myself down. "I'll teach you how to love, I'll show you what love feels like, I'll love you." He says wiping my tears again. He holds my head close to his chest and hums while running his hands through my hair. "It's okay, c'mon princess don't cry, dry those tears for me now." He says. After a few minutes of his embrace I break out. His existence is so sweet.
We both sit down and begin eating. During the course of dinner we partake in small conversation.
"Favorite color?"
"Black, you?"
"I don't know"
Simple everyday things. We finally finish eating. He walks to a little dark green couch near the table. "Go pick a book." He says. I walk into the poetry section. I grab a book titled Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur(my favorite book😣💜). I pick up the book and head over to him. "Lemme see" he says reaching out his hand. I hand him the book. I sit near him. Not exactly next to him, but close enough to smell his intoxicating smell. He smells like my entire life was made for him. He pulls me closer to him. He opens the book to a random page and begins reading.
"nothing is safer
than the sound of you
Reading out loud to me.

-the perfect date"
He finishes with a deep breath. "What a coincidence." He says with a shy smile. "Come onnnnn, you had to have read this book, there's no way you didn't."I say. "I didn't I swear." He replied. "Continue." I say leaning back. He beings reading the rest of that chapter. By the time his lips finally form the words "The breaking" I am already sound asleep with my head rested peacefully in his lap. My body releases it's self fully. I'm a fool for his touch. He soothes my trama with his voice in a way that makes me forget I'm hurting. He closes the book and places it on a small table close to the couch. He grabs a pillow and places it under my head, then he stands up and places the book in the poetry section. He picked me up bridal style. He walks us the the car and sets me down in such a gentle manner. He takes off his coat and covers me with it. He closes the car door. He gets in the car and buckles my seat belt and then his. After a while of driving we finally reach it to the house. He gets out of the car and takes me out of the car bridal style once more and we make our way inside. He takes me up stairs and lays me down on our bed. He gets  really close to my face and begins kissing my face every were but my lips. His sweet way of waking me up surprising works. "Did you have fun?" He asks still kneeling in front of the bed. "Yes a lot thank you for to day I honestly really enjoyed it." I say with my eyes closed. " Well honey if you don't get up and change'he gets closer to my ear' I'll have to change you." "No it's ok I'll go change myself!" I say getting up and taking clothes from my side of the closest. After about 30 minutes of changing into PJs and skin care I walk out of the restroom. I find my husband laying in our bed. He seems so peaceful. I walk towards him and plant a small sweet kiss on his pretty pink lips. Suddenly he pulls me into his arms, and hugs me placing my head on his chest. "What the f-" I say loudly"SHHHHH I'm trying to sleep with my wife please ve quite ma'am!" He says cutting me off.

"Good night





Okay I feel like this was like supper cringe. I hope you enjoyed it tho. IT LITERALLY TOOK SO LONG TO THINK OF THIS😭. ANYGAYS I LOVE YOU ALWAYS BYEEEEEE.💜💜💜

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