chapter 9

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Y/N pov:

I felt his eyes stare holes into me. I guess I fell off the bed. I'm not quite sure what happened. I heard two more people come in. They were talking but I couldn't quite make out what they were saying I was still half asleep. The door closed again and the room fell silent. I felt someones presents urge closer to me. My lungs filled with their cologne. They picked me up and placed me down on the bed. I heard him whisper "my princess". I slightly opened my eyes I saw a tattoo behind chan's ear. It was a rose tattoo connected to a wolf with the letters CB. It was beautiful. When suddenly he pulled his head back. Our eyes met. He took a breath in, exhaled, looked at my lips then back at my eyes. He inched his face closer to mines and he....
Left you on a cliffhanger bc why not? I know it took a long time for me to update I've been really busy😭. Please have patience with me🤧. Much love💜

My Princess  {BangChan x Reader}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora