Ch.1: Welcome to Beacon (Volume 1 Start)

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Jason POV

I'll be attending Beacon in a couple of days from now. But, before that, I'll need to restock on some supplies. I was told by the Professor that all first years will be put through an initiation to see who'll become students. I'm sure I can handle whatever they decide to throw at me, but you can never be too careful. Well, at least that's what Professor Goodwitch says.

I see a shop called "From Dust Till Dawn". I know it's a dust shop primarily, but it also has some general supplies. So I entered, and thought that no one else was here. As I'm walking down the isles, I wasn't paying attention and felt something bump into me. I look down to see a girl sitting on the floor. She was wearing an all black outfit, with a red cloak.

Jason: Sorry about that.

I reached down to help her up.

???: No, it's cool. I wasn't paying attention.

She grabbed my hand and I helped her up. That's when I saw her face. She was a little younger than me. She has black hair with red tips, but what caught my attention was the fact that she had silver eyes.

 She has black hair with red tips, but what caught my attention was the fact that she had silver eyes

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???: Thanks for helping me up, though.

Jason: Don't mention it. Anyways, see you around.

And with that, I left the girl to her business. While I was browsing, I couldn't help but wonder about her silver eyes. I remember The Professor telling me about how rare of a trait that is. But nothing else, really. I then heard more people enter the shop. They were dressed in black and red suits with red tinted glasses. These guys just looked like bad news. Then I saw him again. Roman Torchwick. I didn't have my mask or my sword, but it's not like I needed either to take him down.

Roman: Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a dust shop open this late?

And just as I suspected, they were holding the shop up. Torchwick goons then started gathering all the dust. I decided to bait one of the guys in. I pulled my hood up and created one of my other weapons I like to call Mirage Edge.

 I pulled my hood up and created one of my other weapons I like to call Mirage Edge

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One of my semblances allows me to make swords from my aura. Comes in real handy when you don't have your primary weapon. I stood with my back facing the goons, and then I heard someone speak to me.

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