Ch.5: Sad Truths and Making Up (Volume 1 End)

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Blake POV

I began to stir awake due to the sun shining on my face. I won't lie, Jason's bed is really comfortable. I sat up and I was immediately hit with a very good smell. I got out of the bed, and walked out of the room to see Jason making breakfast.

Jason: *smiles* Hey. Morning, Blake. You sleep okay?

Blake: *blushes* Y-Yeah. Thanks for letting me use the bed.

Am I blushing? Why am I blushing?! Anyway, after hiding the blush, I sat down at the table. Jason then came over and handed me a cup of coffee.

Jason: I'm almost done with breakfast, but here's some fuel to wake you up.

Blake: Thanks.

I took a sip of the coffee, and it was actually pretty good.

Blake: This is pretty good, Jason. Is this how you drink your coffee?

Jason: Not much of a coffee drinker myself, but Ozpin said that's how he likes to drink it. So I'm just basing it on his tastes.

About 5 minutes go by, and Jason comes to the table with two plates of omelets.

Jason: Enjoy.

Blake: Thanks.

After we were done eating, he took the plates and went to go wash them. I still find it kind of weird how someone with his background can look and act so...normal. If he never said anything, you'd never guess that he's gone through literal hell. He then came back and sat down.

Jason: Hope you enjoyed the food.

Blake: I did. It tasted really good, thanks.

Jason: I'm glad to hear that. So, what's your plan moving forward.

I took some time to think, but first, I want to hear what he thinks.

Blake: Jason. How much do you know about The White Fang?

Jason: Well, aside from the fact that you were once a part of it, I just know the facts. They were a group of peaceful protesters turned terrorists.

Blake: Yeah. That's right. We started off as peaceful protesters, and I was there for every rally, and took part in every boycott. I actually thought we were making a difference, but that was just youthful optimism. 5 years ago, our first leader stepped down, and a new one took his place. A new leader, with a new way of thinking. Suddenly, our peaceful protests, were turned into organized attacks. Setting fires to shops that refused to serve us, hijacking cargo from companies that used faunus labor, and the worst part was, it was working. We were being treated like equals. But not out of respect, out of fear.

Jason: Violence often gets the fastest results. As a wise man once said, "It is better to be feared than loved if one cannot be both." But of course, that way of thinking isn't going to help anyone.

Blake: And that's why I left. I decided that I no longer wanted to use my skills to aid in their violence. Instead, I would dedicate my life to becoming a huntress. So, here I am. A criminal hiding in plain view. All with the help of a little black bow.

I looked into the coffee mug, and saw my reflection.

Blake: But, I still don't believe that The White Fang are behind these robberies. They've never needed that much dust before.

Jason: I hate to tell you this, Blake. But, I've seen members of The White Fang stealing whole shipments of dust before. So it is entirely possible that they are behind the dust shop robberies as well. But, if you don't want to take my word for it, then I guess we'll just have to catch them in the act.

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