Ch.11: Hold the Line (Volume 2 End)

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3rd Person POV

Jason, along with the rest of team RWBY and Dr. Oobleck, stand next to a giant hole in the ground. Zwei was barking while running in circles.

Jason: So this is where Ruby is.

Yang: How the heck did this happen?!

Oobleck: This city is very old. The structural integrity would be lacking.

Jason: If she's down there, then we have no time to waste! Let's move!

Everyone: Right!

Everyone jumps down the hole, and lands in what looks to be an underground city. After some looking around, the group found a few White Fang members patrolling the city. So they followed them back to their hideout.

Once they arrived, they saw a few guards standing near a door.

Yang: Ruby has to be in there!

Weiss: I agree, but how do we go about getting in?

Oobleck: Children, in times where the life of a fellow teammate is at stake, I propose we take the simplest course of action.

Oobleck then takes out his thermos that also functions as a flamethrower.

Oobleck: A head on frontal assault!

Everyone looked at each other for a few moments.

Jason: It would be the fastest way in.

Yang: I'm all for it!

Blake and Weiss looked at each other and sighed, before readying their weapons.

Elsewhere, Roman Torchwick, and a couple other WF members, are trying to interrogate Ruby. She had tried to get away, but Roman caught her with the hook on his cane.

Roman: I see you've got some tricks up your sleeve, but let me make this clear. We are not through here yet.

Suddenly, the sound of an explosion is heard.

Roman: Oh, what the--?! Perry, if you and the boys can take care of that? I'm kinda in the middle of something.

Another explosion is heard, and now Roman is starting to get really annoyed.

Roman: What is going on here?!

More explosions could be heard, followed by the sounds of screaming and gunfire. Ruby looks up with hope, and sees the rest of her team, along with Jason and Oobleck, taking down some WF members. Ruby takes this opportunity to blindside Roman, and make a break for it.

Roman: Somebody kill her!

Roman, along with the other WF members he was with, began shooting at Ruby, but she was able to dodge all their bullets. That's when Roman looked at the group, and saw Jason. His look of annoyance was replaced with a look of worry.

Roman: Attach this car, and spread the word! We're starting the train, and leaving!

WF Member: But, we're not finished.

Roman then grabbed the WF member and turned his head to look at the group.

Roman: Do you see that guy over there?!

WF member: T-The one with green hair?

Roman: No, you idiot! The one with the red sword!

WF member: Him?! He's just a kid!

Roman: And that kid, is the reason so many of your brothers and sisters are either in jail, or in body bags! In layman's terms, he's not someone you want to fuck with! So attach this car, start this train, and let's get out of here! Unless of course, you wanna sacrifice yourself to let us all escape?!

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