Ch.4: Forever Fall and True Identity

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Jason POV

It's been a week since I had my talk with Glynda. And, honestly, I'm feeling a lot better. Things went on as usual...ok that was a lie. Things have changed a bit. Both teams RWBY and JNPR are kinda standoffish about me, which is understandable. They saw a side of me that I didn't want them to see. Jaune, however, has been pretty distant with everyone. Even Pyrrha seems to not be as close to him.

Every time his name was brought up, she would get visibly upset. They must've had a fight.

Anyways, right now I'm walking down the hall to get to my dorm after some late night training, when I hear Ruby talking with Jaune. I hid behind the corner to hear what they say.

Ruby: Did you lock yourself out again?

Jaune: Huh? Oh, nope! Got the key right here.

Ruby: So, where have you been, lately?

Jaune: I..uhh. *sighs* I messed up. I did something I shouldn't have, and now, Cardin has me on a leash, and Pyrrha won't even talk to me. *sighs* I'm starting to think that coming here was a mistake. I'm a failure.

Jaune then slid down the wall.

Ruby: Nope.

Jaune: Nope?

Ruby: Nope. You're a leader now, Jaune. You're not allowed to be a failure.

Jaune: But, what if I'm a failure at being a leader?

Ruby: Hmmm, nope.

Ruby then sat next to him.

Jaune: You know, you're not the easiest person to talk to about this stuff.

Ruby: Nope.

Jason: Bet I could help with that.

Ruby/Jaune: Jason?

Jaune: What are you doing here?

Jason: I was on my way back to my dorm when I heard you guys talking. So I decided to stay and listen.

I then took a seat next to Jaune.

Jason: Jaune, maybe you were a failure when you were a kid, and maybe when we first met. But, you can't be one now. You know why?

Jaune: Uhh, because...

Jason: It's not just about you anymore. You've got a team that needs you, Jaune. If you fail, so does your team. Is that what you want for them?

Jaune: No! Of course not!

Jason: Then stop feeling sorry for yourself, and be the leader that your team needs you to be. Your team comes first, Jaune. Remember that.

I then stood up.

Jason: Well, it was nice talking with you two, but we should get some rest, We got that class trip tomorrow. Don't wanna be a bunch of zombies in the morning. Goodnight, you two.

Ruby: Goodnight, Jason.

Jaune: Yeah, goodnight.

I was about to turn the corner, when I heard Jaunes' scroll go off. I listened to a message he received, and it was from Cardin, telling him to get a lot of rapier wasps.

Jason: (That's not good. No way that asshole has any good intentions with those.)


It was the next day, and Glynda was leading us through the Forever Fall Forest. The mission was to collect sap from the trees, and when Glynda mentioned that the sap was used in the pancake syrup, Nora had actual stars in her eyes.

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