Ch.2: Initiation and Solo

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3rd Person POV
Unknown location

The sound of an alarm could be heard. A facilities hallways are littered with decapitated and bisected corpses. Screams of terror, and people begging for their lives can be heard. And those screams and pleas are soon followed up by the sound of steel slicing through flesh.

???: No! Stay away from me! YOU GODDAMN MONSTER!!!


A locked, armored door is then sliced clean in half to reveal a young boy with messy black hair, and glowing blue eyes. He is also covered in blood. The boy makes his way down the corridor, and crosses paths with a woman wearing a lab coat. She looks at the boy in terror, and tries to run away, but the boy summons a small sword and launches it at her leg. She cries out in pain and falls to the floor. As she's crawling, she feels someone turn her over to her back, and sees the young boy staring at her with his soulless gaze.

Woman: Please! Just let me go, please!

The boy didn't say anything, he raised his sword, and swiftly brought it down upon her head, killing her. The boy then continued to make his way through the facility, while killing any scientist and guard he came across.

The boy made it to the facilities entrance, where he was confronted by a older man in a lab coat, and a bunch of guards with guns.

Old man: Non lethals only. We can't afford to kill him.

Guard: Yes sir!

The old man then took a step closer to the boy.

Old man: Subject 09. Stand down! If you do, then we can forget this little incident, and all will be forgiven!

The boy, now known as Subject 09, continued to look at the old man with no emotion. That was until the old man spoke his next words.

Old man: You're better than this. To act out in such brutish behavior? Don't end up like all the others.

The boy's emotionless gaze was replaced with a look of pure rage. His glowing eyes pulsed, and his perception of time was slowed. He then took the opportunity to slaughter all the guards in the room, and critically injured the old man.

As the old man lay dying, the boy stood over him with his sword raised, ready to finish him off.

Old man: *strained* They...they were right. You are...a monster...


Jason's eyes suddenly opened and he quickly sat up. He looked around to see that he was in the ballroom, but it was still dark out. He took a few deep breaths, and checked his scroll to see that it was barely 5AM. He looked over to Wolf to see him still in rest mode.

Jason: *whispering* Wolf. Wake up.

Wolf's eyes lit up, and he looked at Jason.

Jason: *whispering* C'mon. Let's get an early start.

Wolf just nodded, and followed Jason out of the ballroom. The two made it outside and decided to take a walk.

Wolf: When you woke me, I detected a spike in your heart rate. Are you alright?

Jason: I'm fine, Wolf. Just had a...bad dream. But, I'm alright. Thanks for asking.

Wolf: Of course.

Jason POV

It was that damn dream again. I'm back in that place. I'm trying to put all that shit behind me, but...looks like the scars of my past still linger.

I was walking around campus for about an hour and a half before I felt my scroll go off. It was a message from Professor Ozpin.

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