Ch.12: Vytal Festival (Volume 3 Start)

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3rd Person POV

It's mid day, and Jason can be seen standing in the middle of a forest. He has a small smile on his face, and takes a deep breath. Suddenly, a shot rang out, and Jason drew Murasama and cut the approaching bullet in half.

He turns his head to see Ruby with Crescent Rose aimed at him. He then rushes towards her, and she fires off more shots at him, but he deflects all of her bullets.

As he got closer, Ruby switched from her sniper form to her sythe form, and the two started to trade blows

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As he got closer, Ruby switched from her sniper form to her sythe form, and the two started to trade blows.

Ruby was able to keep up with Jason for a while, but Jason slowly started to get the upper hand. Jason does an upward strike that knocks Ruby off balance. Just as he was about to slash her, a glyph appeared in front of him, and he was pushed away.

He recovered, and looked to see Weiss standing next to Ruby with a bit of a cocky smirk on her face. He then hears footsteps rapidly approaching him from behind, and he ducks down to avoid a kick from Yang. Jason was about to counter attack, but a black ribbon wrapped around his wrist.

He looked to see Blake as she attempted to yank Jason's sword out of his hand. This gave Yang the opportunity to punch Jason in the gut, and send him flying. Jason recovered mid air, and lands on his feet. Yang was shocked to see that her punch barely fazed him. As he dusted off the spot where she punched, and began to approach them.

Both Blake and Yang rushed Jason, and he started to fight both of them at once. Blake and Yang knew that fighting Jason would be tricky, due to Murasama being able to cut through aura. So their game plan was to have Blake be the main one fighting Jason, and Yang would try to step in whenever she saw an opportunity.

Blake used Gambol Shroud to combat Murasama, while also leaving afterimages of herself to try and confuse Jason. Yang would then swoop in when Jason's attention was on Blake's afterimages.

The strategy was working for a time, but Jason's ability to adapt to any combat situation won the day. He was beginning to predict when Yang would attack, and was starting to see through Blake's afterimages.

One of Blake's afterimages tried to slash Jason, but instead of blocking the strike, he ducked under it, and turned around to strike the real Blake in the stomach with Murasama's hilt. Yang tried to attack Jason from behind, but he spun around her punch and bonked her in the back of the head with the hilt.

Ruby decided to lay down some cover fire, and Jason had to block the incoming bullets. This time, Weiss was the one who would trade blows with Jason. While she wasn't as strong as him, she was able to keep up speed wise. Myrtenaster, being a rapier, was light enough to allow her to keep up with him in terms of speed. But, she wasn't arrogant enough to think she could fight him head on. She would use her weapon for striking, but when it came to defense, she would either dodged, or use her glyphs to block.

Weiss then created some glyphs behind Jason, and pushed him through them. The glyphs then sent Jason flying backwards. As he was flying backwards, he flipped his body to avoid Gambol Shroud's ribbon from tying him up. When he landed, a glyph appeared above him, and he felt as if he was being pushed into the ground.

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