[26]: Face It

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Your eyes scan the room.

The party is in full swing. Lights are flashing, music is pumping.

Everyone is a little crazy.

You can't help it when your eyes dance around the room, looking for one person, although you won't admit it.

You'd been alone for a few minutes, sipping on a drink amidst the craze of this party. You aren't sure where everyone has gone to - you thought the plan was to stick together.

But they'd split up, leaving you alone.

Finally, you find Jungkook.

You're standing still, across the width of the room, watching him closely.

He is tall. His beautiful milky skin is a perfect contrast against the black of his suit, and his eyes that are inhumanly dark.

A sharp expression rests on his features, as he oversees the party beside Hoseok.

They are whispering something to each other, and while Jungkook is bent over to talk into Hobi's ear, his eye catches you.

You immediately become nervous.

You'd already had a few drinks, so it was easy to blame your unease on that, as you see Jungkook pat Hobi's shoulder and start walking over to you.

In seconds, he's by your side.

You now stand beside him, a short glass of tequila and pineapple juice rests between your fingers.

You stare off into the bopping sea of dancing people, pretending not to be bothered by Jungkook's presence.

"You know, if you're going to be dumb enough to actually drink alcohol, you should at least try to blend in while you do it."

"What are you talking about?" you snap back.

"That's a vodka pineapple, right?" Jungkook points down to your light-yellow cup, looking disappointed. "The least you could do is order something with class. Something that matches that outfit you're wearing. Some champagne, maybe?"

"Well, for your information-it's tequila." you sass, "And i'd rather chug motor oil than drink champagne, so you can suck my cock."

Jungkook looks down at you flatly, clearly unimpressed. "How posh."

You raise your eyebrows sarcastically, sloppily taking another sip.

"You look like a child in a bar for the first time. We're here under cover, remember?" Jungkook lurches forward, reaching for your drink. "Give it here."

"No!" you protest, pulling away and dodging him fast enough to spill some of the liquid.

"Relax, i'm just going to get you something else."

"I paid forty dollars for this drink, i'll die before letting you waste it."

"...Forty dollars?"

"Yeah. I don't know why it was so much," you shrug, beginning to chug it before your partner got the chance to confiscate it. "Probably because all of these rich assholes need to pretend like their shit is the best. But I saw behind the bar, this is just Jose Cuervo." you shake your head and roll your eyes, "Damn snobs, daylight robbery this is."

Jungkook stared at you with his eyebrows knitted as if he was trying to work out if you were joking or not. You weren't.

"Lay off the drinks for a while." he suddenly says, "Remember what our objective here is, because it's certainly not just to get wasted."

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