[16]: Conned

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You aren't sure how you ended up alone, but it is still unclear if that's a good or bad thing.

A few minutes ago, you had passed Jungkook and Jimin.

You made sure to make no interaction - as it was not yet obvious if your presence at the party had gone unnoticed for this long.

You'd been here for almost an hour.

You passed the others and headed for a bathroom.

After surviving your short time in the bathroom, and staring at yourself in the mirror trying to piece it all together, you realise.

You need to find Taehyung.

At this stage, you're completely cutoff from your world. You have no contact outlet. The phone in your pocket is only a burner, and you're pretty sure it's dead anyway.

So, after washing your hands, you refocus on your mission.

You had done a lot of observing, and you came to the grand conclusion that this brand new drug does, in fact, rock people.

Nobody in that place was in their right mind except for you and your team.

You still had no idea who was overseeing the whole thing. Who was supplying these drugs? You didn't even know if they were here. Were people paying for them? Why hadn't you seen a single exchange yet?

There was no indication to deeper leads, but you were pretty sure you got what you came for.

So, you take a deep breath and you open the bathroom door.

There are two grumpy girls waiting to get inside, but it is pretty clear they don't really know what they're angry about, as they mutter cuss words and stumble inside, holding each other upright.

You dust off your hands and take a slow look around you, hoping to catch a glimpse of one of your partners.

And then, you see a huge, burly man in a black suit bucketing at you.

He looks like a bull, flaming at the eyes and ready to kill.

You gasp loudly as the man who had to weigh at least two-hundred kilos, rams into your body as hard as he can, slamming you against the wall behind you.

Your head hits the wall and it all goes black.


"Holy shit!"

Jimin's voice is pure poison as he observes what happened.

Jimin grabs Taehyung, unsure of where Jungkook was, and immediately pulls him in the direction of you and the attacker.

"Did you see that?! Oh, God!"

Girls standing around the area all shriek in horror as your body hits the ground, all of them completely terrified and unsure where the attack had come from.

They clutch each other, and pause their drinking to watch the violation.

"Jungkook!" Taehyung holds his finger on the earpiece as he runs with Jimin. "Haru's been attacked! I think we're outed!"

"I can see you!" Jungkook yells into the mic. "Coming!"

A mere second later, Taehyung and Jungkook are standing in front of the huge, seething man, holding out their hands sparingly.

"WAIT! Wait!"

Jimin drops to his knees beside you, instantly feeling for your pulses. His breaths are choppy and scared as he notices a trickle of blood leading down the back of your neck.

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